2011-01-10 Board Meeting Minutes 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES January 10, 2011 The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington met in regular session on Monday, January 10, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. COMMISSIONERS RON AVERILL, P.W. SCHULTE, and F. LEE GROSE were in attendance. Chairman Averill determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Grose moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, January 3, 2011. Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0 CONSENT Commissioner Schulte made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items one through eight. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Candace Hallom read the items into the record. 1. Resolution No. 11-006 Approval of warrants and payroll for payment. Chairman Averill stated this approves 35 warrants issued by the Auditor’s Office for a total of $67,498.59. Also, approves 423 automatic deposits, 138 warrants for County Net Pay, 53 warrants for County Benefits & Employee Deductions, and one warrant for FICA Adjustments for a total of $3,056,020.25. 2. Resolution No. 11-007 Approving the 2011 revised Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP), NIMS, and ICS. Ross McDowell, Emergency Management, stated this is for the adoption of the 2011 Revised Lewis County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) with accompanying National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ICS). The Adoption of the CEMP is a requirement of RCW 38.52, the law provides for more than one jurisdiction to establish a joint emergency management organization which is the option that Lewis County has done with the exception of the City of Centralia. Adoption of NIMS and ICS are requirements of Homeland Security Directive (HPSD). The CEMP is intended to meet the requirements of RCW 38.52 by describing the overall emergency management concept for Lewis County and the contractual cities and towns in how they will coordinate their disaster responses. The Plan consists of two parts; the first part is the basic plan that covers Lewis County Government and Governmental entities and the second part is the constituent jurisdiction individual plans and procedures to define how they will coordinate with their own responses in their appropriate cities. 2 Chairman Averill stated this is one requirement that we absolutely have to have in terms of emergency management. If we don’t have this planning then access to Federal and State support and funding is jeopardized. 3. Resolution No. 11-008 Re-appointing a member to the Area Agency on Aging Advisory Board (LMTAAA). Chairman Averill stated this approves the re-appointment of Beverly Brathovde (Packwood) to the Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council for another two year term expiring in December 2012. She has expressed an interest and willingness to serve on the LMTAAA Advisory Council for another term and has been recommended by the Lewis County Seniors. Six people from each county are appointed to a two-year term and can be re-appointed up to three terms. This will be her second term. We do have another vacancy on this Board and have asked United Way if they might be able to provide a representative. 4. Resolution No. 11-009 Appointing a member to the Lewis County Civil Service Commission. Chairman Averill stated this approves the appointment of Mr. Pat Sauter (Chehalis) to a six year term on the Lewis County Civil Service Commission, expiring December 31, 2016. This appointment is pursuant to RCW 41.14.030. The Civil Service Commission consists of three members. The general purpose of this Commission is to establish a merit system of employment for county deputy sheriffs and other employees of the office of county sheriff, thereby raising the standards and efficiency of such offices and law enforcement in general. The powers and duties include: to make suitable rules and regulations; to give practical tests which shall consist only of subjects which will fairly determine the capacity of persons examined; to make investigations concerning and report upon all matters touching the enforcement and effect of Civil Service provisions; to conduct hearings and investigations; to hear and determine appeals or complaints; to provide for, formulate, and hold competitive tests to determine the relative qualifications of persons who seek employment; to certify to the appointing authority, when a vacant position is to be filled; and, to keep such records as may be necessary. 5. Resolution No. 11-010 Appointing members to the Distressed Counties Fund/Rural Economic Development Facilities Advisory Committee. Commissioner Grose stated this approves the appointment of the members of the Lewis County Distressed Counties Fund/Rural Economic Development Public Facilities Advisory Committee for 2011. This is for the .09 money which comes from the State and the fund is set up to improve infrastructure, develop infrastructure, and to create and retain jobs. This Board is an Advisory Board to the BOCC for the recommendations to give funds to various projects. The new members and the jurisdiction they represent are: • Lewis County Commissioner P.W. “Bill” Schulte 3 • City of Chehalis Mayor Tony Ketchum • City of Napavine Mayor Nicholas Bozarth • East LC PDA Board Member Dave Linder • Port of Centralia Commissioner Gene Groshong • LC EDC Executive Director Dick Larman 6. Resolution No. 11-011 Appointment of a member to the Chehalis/Centralia Airport Board. Allyn Roe, Chehalis Centralia Airport, stated back in November we had a loss of Board member Ken Sabin. The Airport assisted in recruiting for another member of the Board and has recommended Mr. Jim Janson (Chehalis) to the vacant unexpired term on the Chehalis/Centralia Airport Board, expiring on December 31, 2013. Mr. Janson is currently the manager of the Jackson Prairie Underground Gas Storage Project for Puget Sound Energy. He has been an active user of the airport since 2007, owns an airplane, and has expressed a willingness to serve on the Board. Chairman Averill stated the Chehalis Centralia Airport is a jointly owned airport by the City of Chehalis and Lewis County and the advisory board appointments equally represent both parties. Mr. Janson is a County appointment. 7. Resolution No. 11-012 Contract award for the South Lewis County Airport Membrane Bio-Reactor Building and FBO Office. Michael Strozyk, Central Services, stated this is a bid award for the South County Airport for the Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) Sewer Treatment facility. In November a small works bid call went out for this project and six responsive bids were received, which were opened on December 8, 2010. Rognlin’s Inc., Aberdeen, WA was the low bidder at $199,500.00. This resolution will award the bid for that contract. Chairman Averill stated this building will contain the MBR for the sewer system and will also house the Airport office. Michael Strozyk stated the majority of the building will house the actual MBR system. The airport office will be moved into there due to the failed septic system. Currently the airport office is a Pacific Mobil office that we rent month to month. 8. Resolution No. 11-013 Approving a Personal Service Agreement with the Lewis County Historical Museum. Commissioner Grose stated this approves a Professional Services Agreement between Lewis County and the Lewis County Historical Museum wherein a grant of $25,000.00 from the Lewis County Historical Preservation Fund shall be used for 4 the purpose of assisting in the funding of the administrative services of the Lewis County Historical Museum for the 2011 calendar year. In return the Lewis County Historical Museum has agreed to provide a public exhibit location, exhibits and administrative services associated with preserving and displaying historical artifacts and documents of Lewis County by and for the benefit of Lewis County citizens. Motion Carried: 3-0 HEARING Hearing: Fixing Posted Speed Limits on Various Roads in Lewis County: Traffic Ordinance 213. Chairman Averill announced the hearing and asked for a staff report. Erik Martin, Public Works, stated Citizens of Lewis County and traffic investigations by the Public Works Department have raised concerns about speed limits set on various roads within Lewis County. Investigations were made, and engineer’s reports prepared for portions of the following roads; Bishop, Brockway, Adna School, and Chandler Road. A summary of the recommendations from these reports for adjustments to the current speed limits are as follows: Adna School Road: Reduce from 50 mph to 20 mph Chandler Road (SR6 to Leudinghaus Rd): Reduce from 35 mph to 25 mph Bishop (Interstate Rd to Chehalis City Limits): Reduce from 35 mph to 25 mph Brockway (MP 1.35 to MP 1.75): Reduce from 50 mph to 35 mph Chairman Averill asked if there were any more questions. There were none. He closed the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing. Erik Martin asked that his previous comments be adopted into the record. Chairman Averill stated he received a call from a person who lives on Brockway Road. He was not able to attend today’s hearing but asked Commissioner Averill to pass on that the residents in that area are very concerned about the safety on this particular road and would like this new speed limit adopted. Bernie McCann, Brockway Rd., stated he is in favor of lowering the speed on Brockway Rd. He stated he lives in the 35 mph zone not far from the 50 mph zone and people do not want to slow down. He stated it is a good move to do this and is glad that the County looked into it. Chairman Averill asked if there were any other statements for public testimony. There were none. He closed the hearing and asked for a motion. Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve Traffic Ordinance No. 213. Commissioner Schulte seconded. Candace Hallom read the item into the record. 5 Traffic Ordinance No 213: An Ordinance Fixing the Maximum Speed at which Vehicle may Operate over Certain Roads in Lewis County, Washington: Defining Offenses and Providing Penalties for the Violations Thereof. Motion Carried: 3-0 Hearing: Non-Exclusive Franchise to Claquato Cemetery Association Chairman Averill announced the hearing and asked for a staff report. Larry Unzelman, Public Works, stated the Claquato Cemetery Association has operated and maintained an irrigation water line on various Lewis County road rights of way for many years. There is an existing pipeline located on county roads rights of way used to carry the irrigation water from the river to the cemetery. The proposed franchise covers portions of Stearns Road, Elm View Drive, Claquato Drive, and Highway 603. This franchise is being granted pursuant to and in conformance with RCW 36.55 and Lewis County Code 12.25 through 12.50, for a non-exclusive Franchise to construct, operate and maintain water system facilities within specific County Rights-of-Way. Resolution 10-316, passed by the BOCC on December 13, 2010, set January 10, 2011 as the date for hearing on the matter. RCW 36.55 requires that no hearing be held on a proposed franchise grant until 5 days after the last publication date, and 15 days after posting of the notice thereof in three public places. Publication must be twice in the official newspaper for publication in the County. Publication occurred on December 15 and 22, 2010, and the franchise was posted in three public places. The Franchisee has reviewed and signed the franchise. Commissioner Grose stated previously this was a fifty year franchise originally signed in 1959. We are trying to get all of our Franchise agreements down to a five year time frames so there is some historical knowledge of what is going on and has gone on in the past. Chairman Averill asked if there were any more questions. There were none. He closed the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing. Larry Unzelman asked that his previous comments be adopted into the record. Chairman Averill asked if there were any other statements for public testimony. There were none. He closed the hearing and asked for a motion. Commissioner Schulte made a motion to approve Resolution 11-014. Commissioner Grose seconded. Candace Hallom read the item into the record. Resolution No. 11-014: In the Matter of a Non-Exclusive Franchise to Claquato Cemetery Association to Construct, Operate, and Maintain a Water Pipeline in Lewis County Rights of Way; and Setting Forth Conditions Accompanying a 6 Grant of a Nonexclusive Franchise; and Providing for County Administration and Regulation of the Nonexclusive Franchise. Motion Carried: 3-0 There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:46 am. on January 10, 2011. The next public meeting will be held Monday, January 24, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Ron Averill, Chairman Clerk of the Board P.W. Schulte, Commissioner Lewis County Commissioners F. Lee Grose, Commissioner