2011-05-16 Board Meeting Minutes 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES May 16, 2011 The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington met in regular session on Monday, May 16, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. COMMISSIONERS RON AVERILL, P.W. “Bill” Schulte, and F. LEE GROSE were in attendance. Chairman Averill determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Grose moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, May 09, 2011. Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0 Public Comment Emily Anderson, Glenoma spoke on concerns regarding the collection of debt for Superior Court, Drug Court funding, and Homeland Security Issues. She has concerns that things are being done unconstitutionally. Chairman Averill thanked her for standing up for her rights and speaking. He then stated the Constitution of the United States was written to limit the Federal Government of the United States. All other powers belong to the states and the people. The Federal Constitution does not tell local government at this level what they can or cannot do, that is our authority. Employee Recognition Chairman Averill announced the nominations for 1st Quarter of 2011 Employee Above and Beyond and Employee of the Quarter. Nominations for Employee Above and Beyond Sherri Guenther, Lewis County Sheriff’s Office Fred Terry, Public Works Nominations for Employee of the Quarter Jennifer Teitzel, Lewis County Sheriff’s Office/ Corrections Bureau Susan Caldwell, Lewis County Public Health Chairman Averill announced the 1st Quarter of 2011 Employee of the Quarter and Employee Above and Beyond 1st Quarter Above and Beyond Sherri Guenther, Lewis County Sheriff’s Office Fred Terry, Public Works 1st Quarter Employee of the Quarter Jennifer Teitzel, Lewis County Sheriff’s Office 2 Chairman Averill recognized Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works, for receiving a certificate of good practice from the CRAB Board. CONSENT Commissioner Schulte made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items one through five. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Candace Hallom read the items into the record. 1. Resolution No. 11-158 Approval of warrants for payment. Chairman Averill stated this approves 242 warrants issued by the Auditor’s Office for a total of $736,716.68. 2. Resolution No. 11-159 Cancellation of warrants. Chairman Averill stated this approves the cancellation of one warrant that was lost or destroyed from the Auditor’s Office for a total of $23.35 and authorizes reissue; and, approves cancellation of one warrant that was a duplicate payment for a total of $9.68. 3. Resolution No. 11-160 Agreement with the WA State Military Department for State Homeland Security Program Funding. Michael Strozyk, Central Services, stated this agreement with the Washington State Military Department will allow for funding assistance of $129,489.00 for future Homeland Security Projects as determined by the Lewis County Homeland Security Committee. This agreement will allow Lewis County to purchase $129,489.00 in supporting equipment and operations as part of the Homeland Security Program for Federal Fiscal Year 2009. We had a Local Homeland Security Committee Meeting this past Thursday and discussed how we wanted to handle this funding. A letter was then sent out to all the stakeholders following that meeting. Michael provided background information on the Local Homeland Security Committee and who it consists of. 4. Resolution No. 11-161 approving an inter-local with the State of WA Department of General Administration. Michael Strozyk, Central Services, stated this approves an Inter-local Agreement with the State of Washington Department of General Administration for surplus property disposal services for Lewis County. The Lewis County Central Services Department Facilities Division is responsible for the disposal of County surplus property under Lewis County Code 3.30. Under this agreement with the State of Washington, the Department of General Administration would take custody of those surplus property items we so choose and sell or auction them on our behalf for an 3 agreed upon fee schedule. If the item sells for less than $200, then the state keeps all proceeds as their fee. If the item sells for over $200 then the State keeps 9%. At this time, we are only planning on using the State of Washington as an additional resource for large items due to the fee schedule. 5. Resolution No. 11-162 approving an inter-local with the Lewis County Public Facilities District for information technology systems and web hosting services. Michael Strozyk, Central Services, stated the County Central Services Department has an IT Services Division which is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the County Information Technology Computer and Software System. This agreement will allow for our IT Services Division to provide computer, software maintenance services and Web Hosting Services to the Lewis County Public Facilities District on an “as needed” basis. In exchange for this service, the Public Facilities District agrees to pay $55.00 per hour. Payment for services shall be made monthly and will be due by the fifteenth working day of the month following the month of service. Motion Carried 3-0 There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:30 am on May 16, 2011. The next public meeting will be held Monday, May 23, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Ron Averill, Chairman Clerk of the Board P.W. Schulte, Commissioner Lewis County Commissioners F. Lee Grose, Commissioner