2011-05-23 Board Meeting Minutes 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES May 23, 2011 The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington met in regular session on Monday, May 23, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. COMMISSIONERS RON AVERILL, P.W. “Bill” Schulte, and F. LEE GROSE were in attendance. Chairman Averill determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Schulte moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, May 16, 2011. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0 NOTICE Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve Notice Agenda items one and two. Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion. Candace Hallom read the items into the record. 1. Notice of Hearing: Regarding a non-exclusive franchise to the Cowlitz Indian Tribal Housing Authority. Hearing will be held on or after 10:00 am, June 13, 2011. Resolution No. 11-163 Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works, stated the Cowlitz Indian Tribal Housing Authority has applied for a franchise for the construction, operation and maintenance of water and sewer facilities on Jackson Highway. The franchise covers only Jackson Highway and extends from a point 1000 feet south of its intersection with Tucker Road, southerly to Spencer Road. The franchise allows for fresh water and waste water utilities within the right of way connecting the Toledo Airport with the Cowlitz Tribe property at the Cowlitz Mission. This is part of a joint project between the County and the Cowlitz Tribe. This currently will provide sewer for the housing authority and in the future may also provide for water. Chairman Averill stated this franchise is a cooperative agreement that the County has been working on with the Cowlitz Tribal Housing Authority. This benefits both the Tribal Housing Authority and the Airport. As part of a South County Plan we are talking of eventually putting in a sewer and water system between Vader, Winlock, Toledo, and the Cowlitz Tribe. This project would be able to connect to that system if it happens. 2. Call for Bids: For the 2011 HMA Project No. 1. Bids will be opened on or after 11:30 am, on Tuesday, June 7, 2011. Resolution No. 11-164 Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works, stated this project is listed as number 1 and number 2 on Lewis County’s 2011 amended Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. This contract will provide for the improvement of various existing asphalt 2 approaches impacted by cement treated base (CTB) roadways in Lewis County. Portions of Gore Rd., Meier Rd., Washington Way, Taylor and Van Wormer will be repaired with CTB starting in the middle of June 2011. This process typically raises the road profile 0.5-feet. Existing asphalt approaches within the CTB construction areas will be repaved with Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) under this contract (existing gravel approaches will be transitioned with rock). Additionally, this contract provides for Hillburger Road improvements by paving with HMA, approach transitions, and other work as defined in the Contract Special Provisions. Motion Carried 3-0 CONSENT Commissioner Schulte made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items three through ten. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Candace Hallom read the items into the record. 3. Resolution No. 11-165 Approval of warrants for payment. Chairman Averill stated this approves 5 Special Purpose Warrants (Vader Water System) for $2,291.62 and 244 other warrants issued by the Auditor’s Office for $576,863.07, for a grand total of $579,154.69. 4. Resolution No. 11-166 Bid award for the River Road Guardrail Improvement Project. Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works, stated this project is a 2007 Flood Repair and has been approved by FEMA as an Improved Project. The existing River Road rock wall is inadequate for current vehicle safety even if repaired to original condition. This contract will provide for the improvement of transportation safety by removing the existing rock wall, backfilling with crushed surfacing base course, installing guardrail, placing crushed surfacing top course, and traffic control along River Road in Lewis County. To provide logical termination points, guardrail extends beyond the original 530-ft rock wall location (total length of new guardrail is 1,744-ft). NW Green Construction (Chehalis, Washington) provided the lowest responsive bid of $90,173.25 and Public Works recommends award approval. This project is partially funded by FEMA/DEM at the damage repair value to the original rock wall ($76,310.65). FEMA 75% of $76,310.65 $57,232.99 Washington DEM 12.5 % of $76,310.65 $9,538.83 Lewis County 12.5 % of $76,310.65 + Remaining $23,401.43 5. Resolution No. 11-167 Approving a contract with WA State Military Department and Lewis County Communications for E911 operational funding assistance. Michael Strozyk, Director of Central Services, stated as part of the State E911 funding assistance, certain county expenses associated with the E911 daily operations are eligible for reimbursement. Eligible reimbursed items include E911 Call Receiver backfill salaries and benefits, training requirements, certain travel 3 requirements and educational programs. Approval of this contract will allow for reimbursement for those qualifying expenses associated with E911 service provided by the Lewis County Communications Center for the contract period of July 1, 2011 through September 15, 2013. The base contract is for the amount of $90,000.00. 6. Resolution No. 11-168 Approving the Teamsters contract for the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Archie Smith, Human Resources, stated that the Teamster 252 contract, representing the Prosecutor’s Office is being presented for approval by the BOCC. The contract will be a one year agreement dating from 01/01/2011 to 12/31/2011. For the 2011 calendar year the Employer Health and Welfare financial contributions were not changed and there is no COLA. The 2011 employer contribution is $857 per employee per month as it was in 2010. Step increases are provided. Other issues that were addressed during negotiation were: • Creation of Senior Paralegal position. This position as stated in the contract may perform some management duties as a backup to the Office Manager. Those duties rest with the Prosecutor and were not waived to the Union. • Clarification of the lay-off provision; allowing a 12 month call-back for represented members. • Basic housekeeping procedures were not listed as changes. These types of items generally are spelling errors, grammatical errors, and other items of similar nature. 7. Resolution No. 11-169 Approving the Teamsters contract for Juvenile Court. Archie Smith, Human Resources, stated that the Teamster 252 contract, representing the Juvenile Detention Group is being presented for approval by the BOCC. The contract will be a two year agreement dating from 01/01/2010 to 12/31/2011. For the 2010 & 2011 calendar year the Employer Health and Welfare financial contributions were not changed. However, during the 2010 calendar year the unit was still on the two tired WCIF rate schedule. As of 01/01/2011 the rate was changed to $835.00 per employee per month. There is no COLA and Step increases are provided. Other issues that were addressed during negotiation were: • Expenditures for meal cost during transport of juveniles. To take effect upon ratification of the contract. Juvenile employees will use either a visa type gift card or a gift card from a food vendor. • Transition of the group from W CIF into Teamster Welfare Trust Fund for medical insurance. This transition was approved by the BOCC in a separate resolution in 2010 to allow for the change at the beginning of the 2011 calendar year. The language has now been placed into the contract. • Basic housekeeping procedures were not listed as changes. These types of items generally are spelling errors, grammatical errors, and other items of similar nature. Also, clarification of policy is not listed as a policy change or modification since the essence of the policy is still the same. 4 8. Resolution No. 11-171 Authorizing a cash flow loan to the Southwest WA Fair from Current Expense. Dawna Truman, Budget Director, stated the Southwest Washington Fair Fund 106 may have a negative cash balance prior to receiving revenue from the annual Fair. Therefore we are asking the BOCC to pass a resolution for a cash flow loan from Current Expense to SWWF fund 106. The Board of County Commissioners is asked to authorize a loan up to $250,000 on an as needed basis from Current Expense Fund No. 001 to the Southwest Washington Fair Fund No. 106. The need for the loan is due to timing of revenue which is received after expenditures are incurred. This loan will cover a potential negative cash position until the anticipated revenue is received. The cash would be considered a loan from Current Expense to the Southwest Washington Fair Fund. The loan will be repaid as the anticipated revenues are received, provided adequate cash balance remains in the Southwest Washington Fair Fund to cover subsequent period expenditures. There will be no interest charged on the cash allocated from Current Expense given the cash is to cover expenditures which may be legally allocated from Current Expense Fund for the Southwest Washington Fair. 9. Resolution No. 11-172 Approving a contract amendment with WA State Department of Commerce to extend the current Emergency Shelter and Homeless Prevention Grants Program. Michaelle Sorlie, Social Services, stated this is a current contract that is being extended for six months in preparation for the State Consolidated Homeless Grant. The original contract is Resolution 09-330. This is a contract that provides funds for emergency shelter and services to families and individuals experiencing homelessness in Lewis County. Lewis County Social Services is the lead agency for ESHP (Emergency Shelter and Homeless Prevention grant). This is a pass thru grant where Lewis County contracts with local service providers to provide shelter and homeless services to homeless and at-risk persons and families in Lewis County. The original grant amount and any previous amendments was $245,862.00; this amendment adds $58,392.00 for a contract total of $304,254.00. Funding will come from the Department of Commerce to Lewis County and be distributed to local service providers throughout the County. 10. Resolution No. 11-173 Awarding the Request for Proposals for Debt Collection Services for Lewis County Superior Court. Kathy Brack, Lewis County Clerk, stated there were two proposals submitted. The proposals were reviewed and it was decided the proposal from Dynamic Collections would best meet the needs of Superior Court. Motion Carried 3-0 5 There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:23 am on May 23, 2011. The next public meeting will be held Monday, June 6, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Ron Averill, Chairman Clerk of the Board P.W. Schulte, Commissioner Lewis County Commissioners F. Lee Grose, Commissioner