2011-11-07 Board Meeting Minutes 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON BOARD MEETING MINUTES November 7, 2011 The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington met in regular session on Monday, November 7, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners Ron Averill, P.W. “Bill” Schulte, and F. Lee Grose were in attendance. Chairman Averill determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute. Commissioner Schulte moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held on Monday, October 31, 2011. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Motion Carried 3-0 NOTICE Commissioner Grose moved to approve Notice Agenda items one through four. Commissioner Schulte seconded the motion. Candace Hallom read the items into the record. 1. Call for Bids: For the Coughlin Road Bridge Deck Replacement Project. Bids will be opened on or after 11:00 am, on Tuesday, November 29, 2011. Resolution No. 11-366 Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works, stated this project is listed as number 12 on Lewis County’s 2011 amended Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. This contract will provide for the improvement of Coughlin Road Bridge by replacing the deck, placing Rip Rap, Large Woody Debris, and other work. Sealed bids for the Coughlin Road Bridge Deck Replacement Project shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Lewis County Commissioners (351 N.W. North Street, Room 210, CMS-01, Chehalis, Washington 98532), by or before 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, November 29, 2011. Bids submitted after 11:00 AM will not be considered for this project. This contract will be available for viewing on Lewis County’s Web Site after the successful execution of the Bid Call. Bids will be opened at 11:30 am on Tuesday November 29, 2011. 2. Notice of Hearing: Regarding the adoption of the 2012 Final Budget. Hearing will be held on or after 10:00 am, on Monday, December 5, 2011. Resolution No. 11-367 Dawna Truman, Budget Director, stated the hearing will be held on or after 10:00 am on December 5, 2011. It will be noticed in The East County Journal on November 9th and 16th, 2011. There will be a presentation at 5:30 pm on Monday November 21, 2011. This will be a public presentation in order to take public comment. 2 Chairman Averill stated copies of the preliminary budget will be available to the public at the East County Campus of Centralia College (Morton), the Chehalis Timberland Library, and Centralia College. 3. Notice of Hearing: Regarding Ordinance 1233, which will amend LCC 17.145.140 allowing for fences exceeding 6 feet in height on property lines without a setback variance. Resolution No. 11-368 Robert Johnson, Director of Community Development, stated this is a procedural ordinance that will amend Lewis County Code 17.145.140 and allow fence structures exceeding 6 feet in height to be located on property lines without setback variances. Hearing will be held on November 21, 2011 on or after 10:00 am. When we adopted the zoning requirements and setbacks nobody thought about the ramifications with respect to setback for fences. We have had a lot of public requests to change this. The Planning Commission made a recommendation to approve this. 4. Notice of Hearing: Regarding the adoption of Ordinance 1234, amending LCC 16.02.040, for the creation of utility lots for public purposes. Resolution No. 11- 369 Robert Johnson, Director of Community Development stated this amendment would authorize the creation of utility lots for public purposes. A hearing will be held on or after 10:00 am November 21, 2011. There is a need for a creation of lots smaller than the minimum lot size or that exceed the maximum density requirement in certain zones for public purposes. Currently, the way the law exists if the Public Works Department needs to acquire additional right of way in an area that is zoned agricultural then they can’t subdivide smaller than 20 acres to get that piece of property. They either don’t do the road improvement or they have to spend a lot of money for land that they don’t need. This Ordinance would provide an exception to those density and lot minimum size requirements so that lots for public purpose can be created on lots that are smaller than currently allowed under zoning requirements. This is consistent with GMA and is not being created for residential purposes. Motion Carried 3-0 CONSENT Commissioner Schulte moved to approve Consent Agenda items five through nine. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Candace Hallom read the items into the record. 5. Resolution No. 11-370 Approval of warrants and payroll for payment. Chairman Averill stated this approves 5 Special Purpose Warrants (Vader Water System) for $820.90 and 77 warrants issued by the Auditor’s Office for $363,324.57, totaling $364,145.47. Also approves 427 automatic deposits checks totaling $1,147,249.47; and, 150 payroll warrants for net pay, and 56 payroll warrants for benefits/deductions for a total $3,059,672.01. 3 6. Resolution No. 11-371 Approving a quitclaim deed with the WA Department of Transportation for portions of Hamilton Road North, Bishop, Maurin, and Labree Roads. Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works, stated there is a portion of Hamilton Road North, Bishop, Maurin, and Labree Roads that are within the Labree Road interchange project area completed by Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). All County roads within the project area were conveyed to WSDOT by deed prior to the project so that work could be accomplished on those intersections and roads. The attached Resolution would approve the transfer by Quitclaim Deed from WSDOT to Lewis County those portions of said roads outside of the interchange within the I-5 right of way being retained by WSDOT. A map has been provided and Public Works is recommending the BOCC approve the Resolution. Chairman Averill stated this is common practice to deed easements of county property to WSDOT during one of their construction projects and then transferring the deeds back when the project is completed. 7. Resolution No. 11-372 Approving an inter-local with Lewis County Fire District No. 14, Randle, WA. Tim Elsea, Director of Public Works, stated this Resolution will allow Lewis County Fire District No. 14 and Lewis County to enter into a Master Inter-local Agreement. This Agreement will govern reimbursable work performed by Public Works forces for which the municipality does not have the capability to do themselves. The term of the Agreement will be for a period of 5 years and will expire on December 31, 2016. It appears to be in the best public interest to authorize the execution of said Master Inter- local Agreement in order to streamline the administrative process and allow use of reimbursable work orders for routine work done by County crews for Lewis County Fire District No. 14. Approval of the Resolution will approve the Inter-local Agreement and authorizing the Board of County Commissioners to sign the same. 8. Resolution No. 11-373 Amending Resolution No. 11-293 which established a Chemical Dependency-Mental Health-Therapeutic Court Sales Tax Advisory Board and adding terms and appointing the certified chemical dependency treatment professional. Danette York, Director of Public Health and Social Services stated the Lewis County Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 1224 on June 20, 2011 creating a new chapter to Title 3 of Lewis County Code imposing an additional sales and use tax to be used for chemical dependency treatment, mental health treatment, and therapeutic court programs and services. Resolution 11-293 established an advisory board. The resolution did not include dates each member’s term would expire. This resolution will set terms of expiration for each member, as well as appoint Mindy Greenwood as a member on this Board. Mindy 4 Greenwood will be the certified chemical dependency treatment professional replacing Lauri Chown who was previously appointed but has resigned her position. Member Name Representing Term Expiration Danette York Public Health & Social Services Until no longer serving in that position Jennifer Soper- Baker Rep. Superior Court 9/30/2014 Tre Normoyle Mental Health Professional 9/30/2013 Mindy Greenwood Chemical Dependency Treatment Provider 9/30/2012 Ruth Gutierrez Rep. Affordable Housing Network 9/30/2013 Donna Karvia Rep. Community Health Partnership/Network 9/30/2014 Mary Graham Community-at-large 9/30/2012 Isaac Pope Rep. Board of Health Advisory Committee 9/30/2013 Steve Mansfield Rep. Law Enforcement 9/30/2014 9. Resolution No. 11-374 Amending Resolution No. 11-252 which establishes an advisory committee to the Lewis County Board of Health by adding expiration dates for members. Danette York, Director of Public Health & Social Services, stated Resolution 11-252 established a Board of Health Advisory Committee which makes recommendations to the Board of Health concerning issues that could affect the health of Lewis County citizens and/or the environment. The resolution did not include dates each member’s term would expire. This resolution will set terms of expiration for each member. They will serve a staggered three year term. Member Name Representing Term Expiration Richard Price Mental Health Professional July 31, 2012 Lily Lo Medical Provider July 31, 2012 Ron Pollock Water Treatment July 31, 2013 Don Haviland Septic Designer July 31, 2013 Cherie Rusk Community At-Large July 31, 2014 Isaac Pope Medical Provider July 31, 2014 Neal Kirby Community At-Large July 31, 2014 Motion Carried 3-0 HEARING Hearing- Adoption of Ordinance 1232-Increasing the terms of the Planning Commission Members 5 Chairman Averill announced the hearing and asked for a staff report. Robert Johnson stated under the current Lewis County Code, Planning Commission members may only serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. When the Planning Commission was reorganized in 2005, the original members were appointed to terms varying from one year to four years. It has been difficult to recruit qualified Planning Commissioners and there is a desire to allow for longer terms. Adoption of this amendment will increase the maximum consecutive terms for an appointed Planning Commissioner from two to three. There is a recommendation from the Planning Commission to adopt this procedural Ordinance. Notice of Hearing was published at least 10 days in advance of this hearing. Chairman Averill asked what the length of the Planning Commissioners terms. Robert Johnson stated there terms are for a four year period. Chairman Averill asked if there were any more questions. There were none. He closed the question and answer portion of the hearing and opened the formal hearing. Robert Johnson asked that his previous comments be adopted into the record. Commissioner Grose stated knowing how steep the learning curve is, he feels this is a good thing to do. Some of these people don’t get their feet on the ground until they have been there for a couple of years and it seems like a waste of good training when you limit that time. Commissioner Schulte stated we appreciate the job that the Planning Commission does. Chairman Averill stated during this period that we have been going through growth management this body, which was initially intended to meet monthly, at one period, was meeting weekly. A huge investment is made by the members of the planning commission. They take the initial heat for recommendation that come up. They hold public hearings before we do. The people who we have appointed to the committee have put in outstanding service. It is difficult, when looking at the responsibility that lies with the Planning Commission, to find people who will dedicate the time to the particular effort. Chairman Averill asked if there were any other statements for public testimony. There were none. He closed the hearing and asked for a motion. Commissioner Schulte made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 1232. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Candace Hallom read the item into the record 6 Ordinance No. 1232 Amending Lewis County Code, Increasing the Maximum Number of Consecutive Terms for an Appointed Planning Commissioner. There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:39 am on November 7, 2011. The next public meeting will be held Monday, November 14, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Ron Averill, Chairman Karri Muir, Clerk of the Board P.W. Schulte, Commissioner Lewis County Commissioners F. Lee Grose, Commissioner