2010-05-10 Board Meeting Minutes 1
May 10, 2010
The Board of County Commissioners for Lewis County, Washington met in regular
session on Monday, May 10, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. COMMISSIONERS P.W. SCHULTE,
RON AVERILL and F. LEE GROSE were in attendance. Chairman Schulte
determined a quorum, called the meeting to order and proceeded with the flag salute.
Commissioner Averill moved to approve the minutes from the 10:00 a.m. meeting held
on Monday, May 3, 2010. Commissioner Grose seconded the motion.
Motion carried 3-0
Public Comment
Yong Hyun Kim, Chehalis, WA gave the Board a letter of concern regarding the
closure of Jackson Highway.
Rod Lakey, Public Works, stated there is no feasible way to have a temporary road
opening because Newaukum Bridge is going to be removed. There is a possibility that
traffic may be able to resume by November, before the paving is completed.
Commissioner Grose stated that typically in a construction project, a road closure is
put into place to dissolve the contractor from liabilities. A request for a temporary bridge
is unrealistic in this case.
Mr. Lakey stated the detour was examined extensively on this project. Putting in a
temporary bridge would impact a lot of things. Each option that was looked at was over
a million dollars.
Commissioner Averill asked what we did for public hearings on this closure, so
citizens were able to be heard.
Mr. Lakey stated advanced notice to the public was done by putting up signs on
Jackson Highway; the closure was advertised in the paper and was on the County’s
Commissioner Averill noted that in the future, when we have an extensive road
closure, we need to have something where the public are able to voice their concerns
about the project. This is a process that needs to be looked into.
Commissioner Grose pointed out that we did nothing illegal on this project. He agrees
that we should look at the process for the future.
Chairman Schulte asked why this bridge is being replaced.
Mr. Lakey stated the bridge needs to be replaced because of the width and if we didn’t
replace it we would have to put a weight restriction on it also.
Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve Notice Item one Commissioner
Averill seconded the motion. Chairman Schulte noted that the correct resolution
number for Item No. 1 is 10-122. Karri Muir, Clerk of the Board, read the item into the
1. Notice of Acceptance: For the 2009 Countywide Hot Mix Asphalt and Overlay
Project. Resolution 10-122
Rod Lakey, Public Works, stated Lewis County is in receipt of all closeout
documentation and Public Works has certified the completion of the contracted work.
The final contract amount is $543,110.39. All work met contractual obligations of the
project specifications and drawings. Public Works recommends the BOCC of Lewis
County accept the project and issue a Certificate of Completion for the 2009
Countywide Hot Mix Asphalt and Overlay Project, SM 09RRRO-HMA.
Commissioner Averill pointed out that this is for 2009 asphalt.
Motion carried 3-0
Commissioner Averill made a motion to approve Consent Items two through six.
Commissioner Grose seconded the motion. Karri Muir, Clerk of the Board read the
items into the record.
2. Resolution No. 10-117 Agreement with Kuker Ranken for purchase of the Leica
survey equipment.
Rod Lakey, Public Works stated the Survey section reviewed quotes and was given an
opportunity to independently test instruments for nearly a week from four different
companies; Trimble, Topcon, Leica and Sokkia. These companies were chosen from the
Office of the State Procurement listing. All four of the robotic total stations were excellent
and would independently fulfill our needs. To narrow our choices each system was
reviewed for specific criteria such as integration into our existing and proposed work
programs, ease of operation, compatibility with our data collectors, compatibility with our
current knowledge base and finally our mode of operation. Two of the total stations were
not fully compatible with our current data collectors, the Trimble and the Topcon priced at
$62,000.00 and $45,000.00 respectively. Topcon’s model is currently being discontinued.
The two remaining systems, Leica and Sokkia were compatible with our system and were
both priced at approximately $49,000.00. These two models were tested further on issues
such as optic, compatibility with our current practice and simple things as the locations of
knobs for their usage. The Leica system would be serviced by a western Washington
dealer, while the Sokkia purchase would be through a dealership in Spokane with service
from Portland through a license agreement. After extensive consideration and review we
feel our best choice for this purchase is the Leica package offered to us by Kuker Ranken
for $48,828.75. The original 2010 equipment purchase budget was $40,000.00. This
action would authorize expenditure over the planned amount but Public Works will
reduce other planned software/hardware purchases to balance equipment budget for
Commissioner Averill stated we are purchasing new technology with the new
Commissioner Grose asked if staff have been trained on the new equipment.
Mr. Lakey state they have used this type of equipment before, so there should not be
any training issues.
3. Resolution No. 10-118 Approving a Rural Arterial Program Project agreement
with the County Road Administration Board (CRAB) for the Chandler Road
Bridge No. 55 Project.
Rod Lakey, Public Works, stated this project appears as #7 on the 2010-2015
Amended Six-year Transportation Improvement Program. The Chandler Road Bridge
No. 55 project qualified for emergency Rural Arterial Trust Account (RATA) funding
through the Rural Arterial Program in the amount of $141,541.00. This emergency
funding is in accordance with WAC 136-163, “Allocation of RATA Funds to Emergent
and Emergency Projects”.
On all FEMA eligible repairs, FEMA pays 75% of the cost of replacement, while the
State Department of the Military pays 12.5%. CRAB has authority per WAC 136-163-
030 to reimburse the remaining County share of 12.5% after federal approval. The total
costs approved by FEMA are as follows:
Federal share $849,248.91.00
State share $141,541.49.00
County share $141,541.49.00 (reimbursable by CRAB)
An updated project worksheet (PW) is in the process of going through FEMA.
Commissioner Averill stated we approved this project last week with a current PW
recognizing that the funding amounts may change, once a new PW comes in. When the
new PW is approved we may have to go back and change the funding amounts.
Mr. Lakey stated that the County’s share may be more, depending on what the PW
comes back like. If this happens we can go back to CRAB and ask for more money for
our match.
4. Resolution No. 10-119 Approving an agreement with Donald B.
Rod Lakey, Public Works, stated an offer dated November 12, 2009, was made to the
LeMaster Estate agreeing to pay $4,300.00 for right of way for the Chandler Bridge No.
55 Rehabilitation Project. The LeMasters did not accept the offer, but rather requested
that the County modify the road drainage to reduce the take area. They also expressed
a concern with vehicle headlights shining from the realigned roadway shining into the
proposed home site area on their property. The drainage system was re-designed which
reduced the area needed from the LeMaster property from 4,356 square feet to
1,496.55 square feet. Accordingly, the offer for land was reduced from $4,300.00 to
$1,500.00. An additional $2,000.00 was added to the offer for purchasing and planting
shrubs to obstruct vehicle headlights. The proposed offer totaling $3,500.00 was
presented to the LeMaster’s to settle negotiations. The agreement has been signed by
Donald LeMaster signifying his acceptance of the offer.
Donald LeMaster is representing the estate of C Irene LeMaster. Although Mrs.
LeMaster died some time ago, her estate was never probated and there were no
immediate plans by her heirs to probate the estate. The property cannot be conveyed to
the County until the estate is probated. Since the County regularly bears the cost of
clearing title to parcels it is purchasing, by this agreement, the County will pay up to
$1,000.00 toward the costs of probate. It is anticipated that Donald LeMaster will be
appointed as Executor of the estate in the near future. At that time he will be able to
legally convey the property to the County. This agreement will be re-signed by Mr.
LeMaster at that time as well as a deed for conveyance of the property to the County.
No payment for the property will be made by the county until title is cleared and a fully
executed deed received.
Approval and execution by this Board will conclude this acquisition with the exception of
proceeding with the probate.
Commissioner Averill asked if we were doing this to speed up the process.
Mr. Lakey stated we could have worked around this issue, but it is less expensive to
help with the probate costs.
5. Resolution No. 10-120 Declaration of surplus property.
Michael Strozyk, Central Services stated this is the second quarter declaration of
surplus property. The list is divided into four different groups consisting of:
Misc Items- these items are being awarded to Catholic Community Services (CCS).
They are misc kitchen items from the Senior Centers.
Commissioner Averill noted they were pieces of equipment that could be easily stolen
and transferring them to CCS is easier, so there is no liability to the County.
Misc Computers-computers that have reached their retention schedule.
Misc Office Furniture
911 Equipment- this equipment is no longer compatible with the new 911 equipment.
It will be surplused to Grays Harbor County.
Commissioner Averill noted this is a process we have been doing for about six
months. We used to do a resolution every time we had an item to surplus. We now do
these quarterly.
6. Resolution No. 10-121 Cancellation of warrants.
Commissioner Averill stated this resolution cancels three Lewis County Auditor
warrants valued at $2,461.61 which were lost, destroyed or issued to the wrong vendor
and authorizes reissue of the warrants.
Motion carried 3-0
There being no further business, the Commissioners’ public meeting adjourned at 10:31
a.m. on May 10, 2010. The next public meeting will be held Monday, May 10, 2010, at
10:00 a.m.
Please note that minutes from the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings are not
verbatim. A recording of the meeting may be purchased at the Commissioners’ office.
ATTEST: P.W. Schulte, Chairman
Clerk of the Board Ron Averill, Commissioner
Lewis County Commissioners
F. Lee Grose, Commissioner