2022-09-12 Quarterly Update with Public WorksQuarterly Update with Public Works September 12, 2022 3:00 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, Geoff Soderquist, Tim Fife, Nic Scott Guest(s): None Recorder: Tammy Martin Public comment: None. Geoff Soderquist provided the following General Project Updates: Geoff said the Crumb Road. project is underway and said things are progressing quickly. He said the Centralia Alpha culvert replacement will have paving on Sept. 14 and is expected to be complete by the end of September. Geoff said the Salzer Valley Slide project is coming together and progressing well. The Countywide guardrail project is currently focusing on Ceres Hill area and Geoff said that after the recent logging, the area appears steeper. The Newaukum project is scheduled after the Ceres Hill Road project is complete. Garrard Creek Stabilization is looking for a permanent repair. At this time, there will be a log removal until a permanent solution can be planned. Geoff updated the Commissioners on current Design Efforts: Geoff said Public Works is looking at right away negations and issues to acquire parcels for the Pigeon Springs project. Geoff said due to geo-tech work, there is sandstone proving to be stable and helpful for repair. He said the Little Hanaford slide repair is in design stage and will begin after the completion of the Salzer Valley Road project and weather permitting. The Shorey Road Stabilization project was an interim fix that performed better than expected. Geoff said the project is in the final design stage for a permanent solution. Geoff said Jones Road culvert replacement has begun preliminary construction work and depending upon the option needed to stabilize the bank, the foundation of the slide may more work. Geoff said the Rosebrook Road wall repair is currently being evaluated to determine what type of repairs are needed and that the Ceres Hill Road bridge retrofit is being examined as well. Geoff said Carr Road has two current issues needing addressed. Each will need shoreline permits and mitigation efforts. Crews recently completed the geo-tech reporting for Meade Hill. This is waiting for approval from FEMA. Geoff said there are actually 9 total Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee (BRAC) funded repair projects and the goal is to have each repair project completed by the end of 2025. King Road is sub- contracted out and Sargent Road is looking to be a critical scour project, possibly even a bridge replacement. Geoff said federal safety money needs to be obligated by April of 2023. Geoff said the Washington State Learning Center is highly restricted on the amount of training accessible to non-state employees. Geoff said he feels this training would be a great asset if it would be available. Tim Fife said Lewis County expects to lose approximately $300,000 in revenue with the current Winlock UGA annexation proposal. Meeting adjourned at 3:34 p.m.