2022-09-19 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update September 19, 2022 10:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Lee Napier, Mindy Brooks, Meja Handlen, Nic Scott, Amber Smith, Daleyn Coleman, Eric Eisenberg, Josh Metcalf, Lara McRea, Matt Jaeger, Meja Handlen Guests: Isabel Vander Stoep, two unnamed online guests Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Law and Justice security contract: Erik Martin said he has not yet received the company’s bid and will delay discussion until it arrives. He noted that the company continues to provide services under its old contract. Long-range strategic planning: Erik said follow-up discussions may be delayed slightly. American Rescue Plan Act planning: Becky Butler said the Washington State Office of Broadband and telecom contracts will be presented Sept. 27. Becky discussed the archeological plan required regarding the broadband project. She also noted that the county is helping with ToledoTel’s RFP to ensure its RFP meets requirements. Eric Eisenberg said that once the broadband agreement is signed, the county will have to provide a lobbying disclaimer if it does any lobbying – such as seeking a timeline extension – at the federal level. Becky noted that the county was notified that it was awarded the funding in January but did not receive the contract until late June. Budget SWW Fair 2023 budget: Erik said the Fair appears to have a $295,000 shortfall. He asked the commissioners to approve an additional transfer of $295,000 in the preliminary 2023 budget. Erik discussed funding sources used for the fair and Park and Rec. Commissioner Grose said he would like Parks and Rec to identify other funding sources. The commissioners said they would include an additional transfer of $295,000 in the preliminary 2023 budget. Community Development Permit report: Erik said year-to-date permits are on par with the previous year. Rosebrook properties: Erik said the Office of the Chehalis Basin has reached out to Community Development about two properties along Rosebrook that are in the flood zone. He said OCB would like to purchase the properties and removing all structures to create a floodplain. Lee Napier said one is a five-acre parcel and the other is an adjacent two-acre parcel. Legislative agenda: Erik said he has asked the directors to identify projects and legislation they want lawmakers to work on. Mindy Brooks and Eric Eisenberg discussed housing needs and LAMIRDs. Commissioner Swope noted that the local COVID-19 testing site is closing down at the end of the month. He asked if travel groups are still requiring negative tests. Meja Handlen said many of the entities are setting their own standards. Commissioner Swope asked that staff create a roundup of testing options. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.