2022-09-21 Auditor Treasurer UpdateAuditor Treasurer Update September 21, 2022 10:47 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin (11:03a.m.), Nic Scott, Arny Davis, Larry Grove, Grace Jimenez, Becky Butler, Rodney Reynolds, Sarah Hensley, Tom Stanton, Katie Conradi, Shelly Stewart, Guest(s): None Recorder: Tammy Martin Public comment: None. Treasurer’s Office Update: Rodney Reynolds provided current rate updates. He said the Fed is expected to raise rates a minimum of .75 basis points. Cathay Bank will raise rates based upon the Federal rates. Rodney said there are larger investments this year than in previous years. Rodney said there are approximately $275,000 in funds at Security Savings Bank waiting to be transferred to Columbia Bank and then numbers will be uploaded to Munis. Commissioner Grose is concerned about the amount of time the funds have not been posted to Munis. Commissioner Swope said there have been staffing turnover issues. Rodney said 67% of the year has lapsed and revenue collected for the year is at 57.7%. Rodney said there have been $573,000 collected in Lodging Tax revenue year-to-date, which is slightly down from revenue collections last year. Auditor’s Office Updates: Grace Jimenez said there have been a continued amount of questions being received from the SAO’s Office. The exit conference is scheduled 9/28/22. Grace said the Auditor’s office expenditures have increased for mailings and postage for elections. The Treasurer’s Office has seen similar increases for increased mailings as well. Grace said other funds that may be over in expenditures currently are the Fair/Parks & Rec, Motor Pool and Juvenile due to one- time costs, but should be in line for the remainder of the year. Grace said there will be a large rate increase in insurance premiums and this will be significant cost to employees. She feels that providing information to the employees is important for open-enrollment this year. Larry Grove said there have been a large increase in records requests for elections and that he is thankful to Casey Mauermann for her help. Ballots will go out in the mail in a week. Larry said his office is continuing to prepare the election. Larry said licensing and reporting is still determining how best to audit outside licensing agencies. Larry said the typical technical support call to the Department of Licensing was 42 minutes. Meeting adjourned at 11:33 a.m.