Mobile Community Services Office The Mobile Community Services Office (CSO) The Mobile Community Services Office (CSO) is one part of the Department of Social Health and Human Services - Economic Services Administration’s (ESA) initiative to improve service delivery and increase participation in Washington's Basic Food program. The Mobile has been designed to be a fully functional Community Services Office. This vehicle includes a reception area, private interview stations and a sun shade for people to be protected from the elements. The vehicles are configured with all of the equipment needed for staff to complete intake interviews, issue QUEST (EBT) cards, copy and scan documents and provide information on CSD programs and services. The goals of the Mobile CSOs are to: • Improve participation in the Basic Food Program by providing services at locations where DSHS representatives do not usually have a presence, including services at senior centers, job fairs, health fairs, migrant worker camps, and community events which will provide broader community outreach. • Strengthen Community Partnerships by expanding on existing community partnerships with social services organizations; state, local, and county agencies; and interested parties in the business community to create access points where people can apply for Basic Food and Cash benefits. • Operate as a response vehicle for disaster events where the Disaster Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program is activated. The mobile CSOs will be used as a facility to accept applications in more severely impacted areas where power has not yet been restored. The mobile CSOs may also be used as a support office to facilitate back-room processing of applications by staff working outside disaster areas. Yvonne Rivera / Administrator / Chehalis Community Services Office Economic Services Administration Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (O) 360-740-3801 (C) 360-481-9694 / yvonne.rivera@dshs.wa.gov Transforming Lives