2022-10-17 Wrap-Up CMBOCC Wrap-Up / County Manager Update October 17, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Doug Carey, Becky Butler, Lee Napier, Mackey Smith, Lara McRea, Nic Scott, Meja Handlen, Tailor Arrington, Tina Hemphill, Josh Metcalf, Daleyn Coleman, Eric Eisenberg, Graham Gowing, Mindy Brooks, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Kate Chatterton, Arny Davis (10:01 a.m.) Guest(s): Unnamed online guest, Harry Bhagwandin, Lauren Donley of Millig (10 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. BOCC Wrap-Up items Commissioner Swope made a motion to add to the Oct. 18, 2022, Business Meeting agenda the following items: • Resolution 22-331: List the bids received and contractor selected for the Community Development / IT Electrical Service Installation Project #31-2219. • Resolution 22-332: Approve Contract T01-180-22 between the Salvation Army and Lewis County Public Health and Social Services. • Resolution 22-333: Approve contract H02-0141-21 Amendment B between Housing Resource Center and Lewis County Public Health and Social Services. • Resolution 22-334: Approve Contract HRCES2023 Amendment C between Housing Resource Center and Lewis County Public Health and Social Services. • Resolution 22-335: Rescind Resolution 22-274 for contract R01-0173-22 and Approve contract R01-0173-22 Amendment A between Reliable Enterprises and Lewis County Public Health and Social Services (PHSS). • Resolution 22-336: Rescind Resolution 22-275 for contract H02-0175-22 and Approve contract H02-0175-22 Amendment A between Housing Resource Center and Lewis County Public Health and Social Services (PHSS). Commissioner Grose seconded. Doug Carey discussed Resolution 22-331. Meja Handlen discussed Resolutions 22-332 through 22-334, and Tailor Arrington discussed Resolutions 22-335 and 22-336. Meja briefly discussed Motel 6’s proposal regarding housing for the homeless. Motion passed 3-0. Long-range strategic planning: Mackey Smith and the commissioners reviewed changes to the draft Long-range Strategic Plan. Public Works positions: Rieva Lester asked for clarification regarding the Public Works positions approved in September. The commissioners confirmed that they are approving the following: • The new job description and FTE for the Utility Operator II (as required by RCW) • Reclass of the existing GIS positions (market adjustment completed by HR) • New job descriptions for the following existing positions (no new FTEs)(*) o Environmental Technicians I, II, and III o Right of Way Specialist I, II, and III o Engineering Tech V – approval of the JD allows us to pay current person out of class and then will be a promotion in 2023 • Freeze existing GIS Analyst III (budgeted position) and unfreeze Associate Engineer – EIT position. Note: The budgeted positions with new job descriptions will be paid out of class for the remainder of 2022 and then budgeted according to the new job descriptions in 2023 (ROW Specialist I, II, and III scored higher than existing job descriptions). This excludes the new Utility Operator II position, which, if filled in 2022, would have a budget impact for which a budget amendment would be submitted. Annual contract with Robert Weidner (Evergreen Forest County Group): Lara McRea said the county has received its annual contract with Robert Weidner. She noted that his proposed contract reflects a $2,500 increase (from $15,000 to $17,500) for 2023. Lara, Erik Martin and Commissioner Grose noted that Robert’s contract costs had not increased in several years. Proposed Ordinance 1338 / homeless services: Commissioner Swope discussed concerns with the volume of drug addiction among the homeless. Commissioner Grose touched on the need for early intervention and education, and Commissioner Pollock discussed the need for transitional resources for the individuals currently living in the encampments. Commissioner Swope said the region has adequate shelter services in place. Great Rivers Behavioral Health ASO Advisory Board vacancy: Commissioner Pollock said the Great Rivers Behavioral Health ASO Advisory Board has a vacancy. She said she would work with Trinidad Medina and staff to advertise the position, which must be filled by someone show has used the services. 2023 holidays: Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve the list of 2023 holidays. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion approved 3-0. Calendars: The commissioners discussed their calendars. They noted they would like to reserve a table for the Feb. 3 Economic Alliance banquet. Minutes: Commissioner Grose made a motion to approval minutes for the week of Sept. 26, 2022. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. At 9:51 a.m., the commissioners noted they were taking a 5-minute break. The meeting resumed at 9:58 a.m. County Manager Internal Services - Jail HVAC: Doug Carey said he is seeking guidance regarding minimum fund balances. He said the county has $8 million from Fund 131 invested. He said Arny Davis will expand on some needed housekeeping efforts during the Oct. 19 Auditor-Treasurer Update. Arny Davis joined at 10:01 a.m. Doug recommended minimum fund balances of $2.5 million in the one-tenth of 1 percent fund, $1 million in the REET 1 fund and $2 million to $2.5 million in the REET 2 fund. The group discussed the need for two years of reserve. The commissioners asked for a spreadsheet of projects, including costs, to date. They also asked for a list explaining what is paid out of each of the funds. Doug discussed the jail HVAC project. He said the county is approved for a $6 million loan if needed. He said the county could sell bonds, use $2 million from one-tenth of 1 percent, use the loan funding or ask the Legislature for help to pay for the project. Doug noted the original project included LED lights and a roof too, but those were cut out to get the project down to $5 million. The commissioners said they would prefer to use an internal loan to pay for the project. Commissioner Grose made a motion to authorize staff to move forward with the Jail project. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Steve Wohld said he is requesting permission to negotiate pay for two HR positions. He said he will route the positions through the PAF process will complete the process. The commissioners authorized Steve to negotiate the positions. The commissioners said they would address the rest of their agenda items during the Oct. 19 ESC / Directors’ Update. Meeting ended at 10:22 a.m.