2022-10-25 BOCC Wrap-Up County Manager - newBOCC Wrap-Up / County Manager Update October 25, 2022 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Meja Handlen, Matt Jaeger, Nic Scott, Josh Metcalf, Grace Jimenez, Becky Butler, Daleyn Coleman, Katie Conradi, John Clark, Lara McRea, Linda Mastin, Mindy Brooks, Sherri Dokken, Vanessa Ruelas, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Kevin McDowell (9:32 a.m.) Guest(s): Isabel Vander Stoep, Harry Bhagwandin and several members of the public in person and online Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Agenda change: Commissioner Swope made a motion to add to the Oct. 25, 2022, Business Meeting agenda Resolution 22-356: Establish a new special revenue fund - Foundational Public Health Services Fund No. 1910. Commissioner Grose seconded. Meja Handlen and Grace Jimenez discussed the proposed new fund. Motion passed 3-0. Real estate excise tax (REET) II memo approval: The commissioners agreed to requests outlined in a Capital Budget – Parks Improvement Project memo from Steve Wohld dated Oct. 20, 2022. The memo stated the following: “For 2022, efforts were focused on the Parks Revitalization and Safety Improvement Project (Parks Improvements, as noted on 2022 Capital Plan). Staffing allocations were determined at the beginning of 2022, and audited in October 2022. Fairgrounds Park has become part of the Parks System, and because of that, it is now apparent that staff spent more time on the improvement project than was originally allocated. Recommendation moving forward is to adjust 2023 allocations and track time each pay period as it relates to this project and others. “$350,000 was budgeted in the 2022 Capital Budget for repairs and maintenance of Fairgrounds park to conduct this portion of the improvement project. Additionally $120,000 was budgeted for internal staffing for the improvement project at Fairgrounds park. During the course of this ongoing project, it has been more advantageous to use qualified internal staffing to support this project rather than outside contractors. The request to move $200,000 previously budgeted and unused in Repairs and Maintenance to Salaries and Benefits, will allow the proper coding of allocated internal labor to the project. “Capital Account 3120 (REET II) will be the account paying for these activities, as allowable through normal regulatory requirements related to these tax/proceeds and increased with HB 1069.” Dig Once project selection: Eric Eisenberg and Josh Metcalf discussed the need to identify Lewis County projects to be listed on the roster for the state’s Dig Once pilot program. The commissioners agreed to list the Rush Road and Harrison Avenue / Reynolds Road projects as Lewis County’s projects for the state’s Dig Once pilot project. Letter of support for Port of Chehalis re: site prep work: Eric Eisenberg discussed the Industrial Site Readiness grant the Port of Chehalis is pursuing. The commissioners agreed to sign a letter of support regarding the port’s efforts. County Manager items Community Development update: Erik said a proposed new rate fee schedule will be routed to the commissioners for their review and a future discussion. Public Health & Social Services update – Animal Shelter: Meja Handlen said many of the county’s agreements related to the county’s shelter are very dated. Meja said the county is encouraging cities to work with it to identify their needs and how the county can help meet those needs. Meja said the shelter has only 16 kennels for dogs. She noted that animals are held for 72 hours in an effort to allow time for animals to be reunited with their owners. 911 update: Erik Martin said he and Jenn Libby-Jones have been working on a plan to update the governance of 911. The commissioners said Commissioner Swope would serve as the board’s point person. Becky Butler discussed a recent meeting with ToledoTel during which the group discussed outreach for the broadband project. Kevin McDowell joined at 9:32 a.m. McPeak v. Lewis County: At 9:32 a.m., Commissioner Pollock announced that the Board would be going into executive session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 5 minutes to discuss McPeak v. Lewis County. Executive session started at 9:33 a.m. Executive session ended at 9:38 a.m. Commissioner Pollock noted that no decisions had been made. Meeting ended at 9:38 a.m.