2022-10-26 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update October 26, 2022 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Grose, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Matt Jaeger, Daleyn Coleman, Nic Scott, Mindy Brooks, Lee Napier, Frank Corbin, Bob Russell, John Clark, Graham Gowing, Laar McRea, Barbara Russell, Becky Butler, Meja Handlen, Amber Smith, Preston Pinkston, Megan Sathre, Arny Davis (9:13 a.m.), Judge Samuelson (9:26 a.m.), Brittni Rogers (9:26 a.m.) Guest(s): Various members of the public, including representatives from Good Crushing, RBEngineers and representatives from the YMCA Recorder: Rieva Lester Steve Wohld discussed a resolution to issue a request for proposals (RFP) to find a company to provide livestock panels. Mindy Brooks presented a workshop regarding proposed Ordinance 1337 to amend the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and Associated Zoning Map Designations. Mindy said the board will consider seven proposals. She outlined the process by which the commissioners would hear the proposals and make their decisions. Arny Davis joined at 9:12 a.m. Mindy reviewed each of the seven proposals. Following are some highlights. De Goede • It’s 27.5-acre site north of Highway 12 near Mossyrock. • The request is to rezone from Agricultural Resource Land (ARL) to Rural Development District 5 (RDD-5). • The future use is unknown, but RDD-5 allows for single family residential. Chehalis UGA – Breen • Involves one parcel measuring 109.8 acres. • Is bound by Hamilton Road on the north and Interstate 5 on the east. • Would help address the city’s 20-year population allocation of 7,711 dwelling units. • Includes a future use of low density residential R4 and multifamily residential R12. • Would provide 456 dwelling units. Chehalis UGA – Westlund / Enbody • Involves eight parcels totaling 247 acres. • Is bound by Jackson Highway on the east and by Rush/Kirkland Road on the south. • Would help address the city’s 20-year population allocation of 7,711 dwelling units. • Has a future use of mixed use commercial and residential, including multifamily. • Would provide 1,224 dwelling units. • Would require putting the floodplain in a conservation easement. • Population models show Chehalis will need an additional 6,516 housing units by 2040. Judge Samuelson and Brittni Rogers joined at 9:26 a.m. Bob Russell and Frank Corbin discussed the Planning Commission’s decision-making process regarding the Chehalis UGA proposals. They addressed flooding and traffic concerns, especially concerns regarding Exit 72. Judge Samuelson and Brittni Rogers discussed District Court’s request for a new position. Judge Samuelson and Brittni left at 9:40 a.m. Mindy continued reviewing the proposals. Centralia UGA • The proposal involves 16 parcels with 45.17 total acres. • The site is bound by Graf/Military Road on the north and Scheuber Road South on the east. • The city has express a need to support a 20-year population allocation of 10,905 dwelling units. • Future use is low density residential R4. • The site would provide 80 dwelling units. • The Planning Commission recommends approval. Mineral Lake YMCA rezone • The project involves 500 acres north of Mineral Lake. • It includes a Master Planned Resort overlay on FRL. • YMCA is proposing an overnight youth camp for 400 campers and 100 staff, with cabins, tent sites, trails and a dock. • SEPA determination required restricted uses and sunset provision. Bob and Frank discussed the factors the Planning Commission members weighed as part of their deliberations. Mining opt-in • Proposal involves a 443.5-acre site on Brim Road between Ethel and Salkum. • The request is to rezone from Agricultural (ARL) to Mineral Resource Land (MRL). • The future use is mineral extraction. • Experts have estimated mining resources available are worth $250 million. • The county received one piece of written testimony. • The Planning Commission recommends approval. Commissioner Swope made a motion to add one notice item and one hearing to the Nov. 1, 2022, BOCC Business Meeting. Commissioner Grose seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting ended at 10:37 a.m.