2022-11-04 Mayors' MeetingMayors’ Meeting November 4, 2022 9:04 a.m. Present: Commissioner Grose, Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Peter Lahmann, Mossyrock Mayor Dan Mortensen, Pe Ell Mayor Lonnie Willey, Nic Scott, Jill Anderson, Chehalis Mayor Tony Ketchum, Mindy Brooks, Josh Metcalf, Erik Martin, Marcia Manley, Meja Handlen, Angela Strauss, Paul Mason WSDOT, Vader Mayor Joey Schey, Napavine Mayor Shawn O’Neill, Lee Napier, Rob Hill, Eric Eisenberg, Toledo Mayor Steve Dobosh, Steve Wohld, Centralia Mayor Kelly Smith-Johnston Guests: Harry Bhagwandin, Isabel Vander Stoep Recorder: Tammy Martin Public Comment: None Roundtable and resource sharing opportunities: Shawn O’Neill said the city of Napavine has a scanner for mapping that he is offering to share with others. Centralia City Manager Rob Hill said the city of Centralia ordered a sandbagging machine. This comes with its own trailer so it is mobile. Rob said it is impressive the amount of sandbags created per hour. Pe Ell Mayor Lonnie Willey said the road to the dam is approximately 75% complete. The wastewater treatment plant project will go out to bid within the month. Mossyrock Planning Commission member Marcia Manley said there will be UGA annexations this next year. She also said the city is looking at the rate structure for agriculture water usage. Chehalis City Manager Jill Anderson said the city’s Chehalis Avenue and National Avenue projects are complete. Port of Centralia Commissioner Peter Lahmann said construction for the Centralia Station is underway. Peter also wanted the group to know the Lewis County Historical Museum has over 12,000 older photos of Lewis County available to share. County Manager Erik Martin said the Lewis County Flood meeting kick-off event had a great turn-out. He said progress is in full swing for design on broadband with ToledoTel. He also wanted the group to know there is a broadband project management position needed to fill. Steve Wohld said Lewis County is looking for a Fair manager and a Parks & Rec Director. Steve said that playground equipment is being installed across the County. He said the goal is to keep county parks open year round. Toledo Mayor Steve Dobosh said the city of Toledo has a new police chief. WSDOT rep Paul Mason said the SR506 bridge strike project has added the remaining span of the bridge to the repair project due to another accident and is expected to re-open February 2023. Commissioner Pollock shared her concerns to Paul regarding a homeless encampment under the overpass at milepost 77. Coordinated efforts for Comprehensive Plan updates: Mindy Brooks said the Planned Growth Committee is proposing a change to the scope of work. OFM is updating its projection and Community Development is required to address the changes. She said there are updates to the Comp Plan, House Bill 1220 requires a housing direction, and in July 2023, Lewis County is eligible for funding through the Department of Commerce. Mindy said as a result of the new requirements, she is suggesting the Planning Commission meet monthly. Mindy has proposed suggestions each month to meet the deadlines as needed. She said coordination with each city is key. Unauthorized camping / encampment cleanup updates: Commissioner Swope said that Lewis County is addressing a need for a standard operating procedure (SOP) to respond to homeless encampment related issues. Centralia Mayor Kelly Smith Johnston said the city of Spokane has a project called Project Hope and Functional Zero. This is a large-scale approach to address homelessness. She feels there needs to be a metric to show meaningful progress and success. This would allow for addressing needs. Meja Handlen said Lewis County utilizes Diversion First as a strategy as Housing First is not a viable option due to limited housing in Lewis County. Napavine Mayor Shawn O’Neill said rural areas with limited resources such as the city of Napavine are impacted in different ways and being aware of resources available is helpful in addressing encampment related issues. Commissioner Swope is working with the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to address homelessness issues on private property. Meeting adjourned at 10:03 a.m.