2022-11-30 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update November 30, 2022 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, County Manager Erik Martin, Matt Jaeger, Mindy Brooks, Becky Butler, Amber Smith, Josh Metcalf, Rodney Reynolds, Eric Eisenberg, Grace Jimenez, Nic Scott, John Abplanalp, Meja Handlen, Linda Mastin, Casey Mauermann, Javier Mejia, John Clark, Lara McRea, Sarah Hensley, Kristen Wecker Guest(s): Derek Rockett, John Christian Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Becky Butler said she’d like to delay the notice for the Lewis County 2022 budget amendment. Mindy Brooks discussed a notice of public hearing to consider Ordinance 1340 to amend Chapter 17.12, Public Participation Program, and Chapter 17.05, General Provisions, of the Lewis County Code. Josh Metcalf discussed a notice of hearing regarding a franchise to Gunderson Water Works to construct, operate, and maintain water facilities in Lewis County rights-of-way. Josh Metcalf discussed a notice of hearing to authorize closeout for a Community Development Block Grant with the State Department of Commerce for Lewis County Fire District #3 Mossyrock Fire and Emergency Facility Phase II. Linda Mastin discussed a resolution to approve an Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County and Buy Board National Purchasing Cooperative and authorize signature thereon. Linda Mastin discussed a resolution to approve a contract award with WW Livestock Systems to provide new livestock panels for the Swine Barn. John Clark discussed a resolution to a approve Public Works Construction Materials-Electric. Erik Martin and Amber Smith discussed a resolution to approve an Agreement from the Washington State Office of Public Defense in the amount of $103,722.00 for use in the calendar year 2023. John Abplanalp discussed a resolution to approve a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between Washington Department of Ecology and Lewis County Public Health and Social Services (LCPHSS) for TransAlta Centralia Mining (TCM). Kristen Wecker said she would provide additional information about the landfill. Grace Jimenez discussed a resolution to update the Capital Asset Policy. Becky Butler discussed the Monday, Dec. 5, hearing to adopt the Annual Budget of Lewis County for the calendar year of 2023. Becky Butler discussed the Monday, Dec. 5, hearing for the Property Tax Budget and Levy for Both the Current Expense and Road Fund for 2023. Commissioner Swope made a motion to move three notice items, two consent items and six deliberation items to the Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022, BOCC agenda and two hearings to the Monday, Dec. 5, 2022, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Brummer seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Announcements / roundtable Matt Jaeger said the county has blocked a school district’s emails due to a minor cybersecurity issue. Matt said the court recording project has wrapped up and that Microsoft 365 phase I is underway. Becky Butler reminded the group to finish invoicing and payments in advance for year-end. Amber Smith said open enrollment will close soon. Josh Metcalf gave the following updates: • Crews are responding to weather issues. • South Lewis County Airport is out to bid. • Packwood sewer contract negotiations are underway. • Vader project bids due soon. • Railroad project contract negotiations are underway. • County working to secure grant to cover portion of railroad project. Rodney Reynolds discussed the county’s process for “sweeping” interest from various eligible funds to the General Fund. Erik Martin said Winlock has completed its annexation packet and that the city, the county or the Boundary Review Board could invoke a review. Wednesday Workshop The commissioners authorized Eric Eisenberg to attend a tour and discuss potential plans for purchase / sale of county buildings. Eric discussed a grant the city of Centralia is pursuing. Eric also discussed work he is doing to help area fire districts facing regarding staffing and equipment. Erik Martin noted that the inclement weather policy has been routed. Meja Handlen cautioned the public about increased cases of RSV locally. She noted that the county’s “point in time” count for homeless services will take place soon. Commissioner Swope said he’d like Public Health and Social Services to revamp its five-year strategic plan to address homelessness. John Clark thanked offices and departments for help with heating. Eric Eisenberg discussed work taking place to purchase the Drug Court house the county had been renting for the past three years. The commissioners authorized the use of unrestricted capital fund money to complete the purchase. Eric said the county will pursue a 40-year, 1 percent interest loan that would cover the cost and needed improvements. He said Drug Court would continue to pay “rent” on the building, noting that the Drug Court currently pays $3,500 per month in rent. Eric suggested the county set its “non-zero cash match” at 3.5 percent. The commissioners agreed to use the unrestricted funds. Legislative Roundtable: Erik said he’d like to propose a draft Legislative Roundtable agenda for the commissioners’ approval. The commissioners said they’d like property tax help for seniors on the watchdog list. Erik said the four requests currently include: • Energy efficiencies • Senior services • Waterbanking • Dig Once Rodney Reynolds said discussed the LGIP. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.