2022-12-05 BOCC Wrap-Up CMBOCC Wrap-Up / County Manager Update
December 5, 2022
9:02 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Brummer, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld,
Doug Carey, Jenn Libby-Jones, Lee Napier, Meja Handlen, Mindy Brooks, Eric Eisenberg, Nic Scott, Lara
McRea, Barbara Russell (9:04 a.m.), Linda Mastin, Michelle Sauter, Grace Jimenez, Meja Handlen, Kate
Guest(s): John Christian
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Public comment: None.
BOCC Wrap-Up
Budget review: Commissioner Pollock asked how the 0 percent or 1 percent options would affect Roads.
Josh Metcalf said additional funding would help give Roads flexibility with its chip seal work. He noted
that Roads faced a 25 percent increase in oil and paint costs for 2022. Josh said the 1 percent also would
help with maintenance work.
Winlock annexation: Erik Martin said Winlock had completed its annexation paperwork and has
submitted its fee. He said there are four ways in which the Boundary Review Board could be invoked.
Erik said staff is working on its negotiations regarding how much Winlock would pay the county to
satisfy the requirements outlined in its interlocal agreement with Lewis County. The commissioners
asked that the topic be included on the Directors’ Update agenda.
Commissioner committees / boards and Board of Natural Resources vacancy: Commissioner Pollock
said she’d like to apply for the state’s Board of Natural Resources vacancy.
Barbara Russell left at 9:11 a.m.
Mossyrock overlook: The commissioners discussed outreach regarding their effort to rename the Riffe
Lake overlook in Commissioner Stamper’s honor. They said they’d like the BOCC resolution to move
forward in mid-January.
Boundary Review Board has four positions that expire Jan. 31, 2023: The commissioners directed staff
to open the expiring BOCC-appointed position to applicants and to reach out to Steve Ward to
determine whether he’d like to continue.
The group further discussed the Winlock annexation and the Boundary Review Board. Commissioner
Pollock said she favors invoking the BRB regarding the Winlock project.
County Manager items
Budget: Becky Butler said the PA’s Office is reviewing the county’s agreement with the Lewis County
Seniors group.
Historic Courthouse building security: Erik Martin said Phoenix has provided cost estimates for
providing security at the courthouse, including options for security that’s armed, unarmed or armed
with non-lethal weaponry.
Lobbying efforts: Erik reviewed the commissioners’ legislative objectives and the agenda for the
Legislative Roundtable. The group said they would add the topic to the upcoming Directors’ Update so
the asks can be solidified via resolution prior to the Legislative Roundtable.
Annual leave cash out: Erik said he is requesting that exempt employees who are over their vacation
hours be allowed to cash out annual leave for 2022.
Public Works / DEM update
County road name change: Erik said a group of citizens is working on a request to rename Buckley Road
in Toledo.
Curbside compost: Josh Metcalf discussed a new law that requires a compost procurement ordinance.
Josh said the county will have to adopt an ordinance and that the cities will have to adopt their own
ordinances. Josh said staff is drafting an ordinance and also is drafting a sample ordinance for the area’s
cities to use.
Meeting ended at 9:58 a.m.