2022-12-12 BOCC Wrap-Up CMBOCC Wrap-Up / County Manager Update
December 12, 2022
9:02 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik
Martin, Steve Wohld, Doug Carey, Lee Napier, Meja Handlen, Mindy Brooks, Eric Eisenberg, Nic Scott,
Lara McRea, Michelle Sauter, Grace Jimenez, Kate Chatterton, Kevin McDowell, Graham Gowing, Daleyn
Coleman, Josh Metcalf, Amber Smith, Becky Butler, Jenn Libby-Jones, Matt Jaeger
Guest(s): John Christian, Chip Duncan, Jesse Lloyd, Kylie McKune-Dahl
Recorder: Tammy Martin
Public comment: None
BOCC Wrap-Up
At 9:02 a.m., Commissioner Pollock announced that the Board would be going into executive session
under session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 10 minutes to discuss the following:
• Wolfelt vs. Lewis County et al
Executive session started at 9:03 a.m.
Executive session ended at 9:13 a.m. Commissioner Pollock noted that no decisions had been made.
Commissioner Swope made a motion to add to the Dec. 13, 2022, Business Meeting agenda the
following items:
• Resolution 22-406: Issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Winlock Broadband Project
Archaeological Monitoring Plan. Proposals are due by 5 p.m. Jan. 12, 2023.
• Resolution 22-412: Approve defense and indemnity for Josh Metcalf and his marital
community, and for John Roe and his marital community, if any.
Commissioner Brummer seconded.
Eric Eisenberg spoke to Resolution 22-406. Eric said due to excavation in the Winlock area for broadband
an archaeologist is needed in case of any discoveries.
Amber Smith spoke to Resolution 22-412. Amber said this is based on the discussion during executive
Motion to add resolutions to the agenda passed 3-0.
Drug Court house grant issue: Eric Eisenberg spoke to the issue of acquiring a capital needs assessment.
These items are typically done for commercial buildings and he is having difficulty finding entities to
perform this task on a house. He has reached out to the state agency that runs the grant to allow for a
waiver and use the home inspection. He is asking for the Commissioners to authorize him to submit a
waiver on County letterhead. The Commissioners agreed.
2023 committees/boards: The Commissioners discussed positions for the upcoming year. The Board
suggested the following for 2023:
• BOCC Chair: Commissioner Swope
• BOCC Vice Chair: Commissioner Brummer
• Solid Waste Chair: Commissioner Brummer
• Solid Waste Vice Chair: Commissioner Pollock
• Board of Health Chair: Commissioner Pollock
• Board of Health Vice Chair: Commissioner Swope
Civil Service Commission seat: Due to recent email issues, Commissioner Pollock asked for an extension
to review the applicants at the Directors’ Update.
Combined User Committee: Commissioner Swope said he met with Chief Denham to clarify questions to
the Combined User Committee group. The group would like to request a sales tax increase. Chief
Denham would like to appoint a Commissioner to the group.
Veterans Journey Forward Program: Meja Handlen discussed the Veterans Journey Forward program.
There is a request for additional funding for services to be provided. Jesse Lloyd provided information
from grants that were applied for and awarded to the program. Commissioner Swope is looking forward
to address any concerns during the December 12 BOCC Business Meeting.
WSDOT update: Commissioner Swope said he had received an update from Bill Morrison with WSDOT.
WSDOT is currently working on a hydrology study, signs for no trespassing, the removal of abandoned
and junk vehicles, and the clean-up of the Blakeslee Junction area. Commissioner Pollock said her next
concern would be the management of the area going forward. Commissioner Swope said the area would
be annexed into the Reynolds Road project in the near future.
Mandy Road constituent concern: Commissioner Swope said there was a constituent in contact with
Commissioner Grose. Commissioner Swope offered Commissioner Brummer the opportunity to help the
constituent in district 3 with buffer issues.
County Manager items
ARPA: Becky Butler said there will be an update from the Fox Theatre submitted soon.
Opioid Settlement: Becky Butler has set up an account to receive funding from the Opioid Settlement
through the portal. These funds may only be spent on items in the plan. Any additional funding received
will go into the fund through the portal account. This will be deposited to the BOCC budget until a
designated account is created. This same amount will be received for the next 17 years. Erik Martin
suggested speaking with the Board of Health about fund allocation.
Budget Amendment Review: Becky Butler said she anticipates changes to the upcoming budget
amendment. The biggest changes stem from the Sheriff / Jail budget for the salary study and a CBA
agreement. Becky also noted the Auditor’s Office had a payment to Northwest Administrator. This will
come from the Auditor’s budget. Becky said that Superior Court has an increase for court security and
pay out for a retiree. Solid Waste has the largest increase to the fund balance due to the increase of fees
for garbage removal.
Public Works / DEM update
County road name change: Erik received a petition to change a road name. The petitioner has
requested the name change of Buckley Road. Josh Metcalf said this would affect GIS mapping, 911
communications, and residential address changes. Josh said having a policy would be beneficial as costs
associated with a road name change affects other departments.
Community Development
Permit Tech I hiring authority: Lee Napier spoke to the request to hire a Permit Tech I. There is a Permit
Tech III retiring at the end of 2022. Lee would like to offer the Permit Tech I at a grade 113 step 7. This is
to accommodate an internal candidate that is at a higher grade. The Commissioners verbally agreed to
the recommendation to offer the Permit Tech I position at grade 113 step 7.
At 10:07 a.m., the Board recessed for five minutes. The Board resumed the BOCC Wrap-Up / County
Manager Update at 10:12 a.m.
Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve the BOCC, BOH and Solid Waste Disposal District
positions for 2023: Commissioner Swope will be BOCC chair and Commissioner Brummer will be vice-
chair; Commissioner Brummer will be Solid Waste Disposal District chair and Commissioner Pollock
will be vice-chair; and Commissioner Pollock will be Board of Health chair and Commissioner Swope
will be vice-chair. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion Passed 3-0.
The Commissioners selected the remaining representatives for the rest of the boards and committees
the Commissioners serve on.
Meeting ended at 11:01 a.m.