2022-12-28 Directors' UpdateDirectors’ Update December 28, 2022 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope (listening only), Commissioner Brummer, Matt Jaeger, Lee Napier, John Abplanalp, Josh Metcalf, Chief Chris Sweet, Doug Carey, Becky Butler, Nic Scott, Amber Smith, Barbara Russell, Graham Gowing, Lara McRea, Sara Bumgardner, Kate Chatterton Guest(s): John Christian, unidentified guest Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to establish 2023 county road construction projects by County Forces. Chief Chris Sweet discussed a resolution to accept an amendment between the Lewis County Sheriff and Naphcare, Inc. John Abplanalp discussed a resolution to approve CPWI Prevention Amendment 4 between Washington Health Care Authority (HCA), Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) and Lewis County Public Health and Social Services (PHSS). Chief Chris Sweet discussed a resolution to accept an interlocal agreement for use of jail facilities between the Lewis County Sheriff's Office/County and the Chehalis Tribe. The commissioners discussed a resolution to authorize an application for a Rapid Capital Housing Acquisition grant to reimburse the purchase of 1258 SE Washington Ave, Chehalis. Commissioner Pollock discussed a resolution to approve a First Amended Agreement with AMP Insights concerning consultant services for a water bank. Becky Butler discussed a resolution to approve a grant amendment with the Washington State Broadband Office. Commissioner Brummer made a motion to move one notice item, two consent items and six deliberation items to the Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 2-0, with Commissioners Pollock and Brummer voting (Commissioner Swope was online but only listening). Roundtable Matt Jaeger discussed the creation of a TikTok ban on county-owned devices. Josh Metcalf said the county is finalizing a contract for work on the Packwood sewer project. He said staff is working on agreements for its railroad project. Becky Butler discussed year-end budget work. Amber Smith said HR is sharing a PAF how-to of sorts. Wednesday Workshop Ice storm: Josh Metcalf discussed Public Works’s response to the recent ice storm. WSAC Board of Natural Resources vote: Commissioner Pollock said she’d like the county’s three votes to go to Lisa Janicki. The commissioners agreed to vote for Lisa Janicki. Meeting ended at 9:30 a.m.