2023-01-11 American Rescue Plan ActAmerican Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Update January 11, 2023 10:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Andrew Christensen, Rebecca Towner, Joe Clark, Debbie Campbell, Becky Butler, Lee Montgomery, Shad Hail, Richard DeBolt, Todd Chaput, Rob Hill, Josh Metcalf, Jenn Libby-Jones, Steve Wohld, Nic Scott, Eric Eisenberg, Kelly Smith Johnston, Matt Jaeger, Doug Carey Guest(s): None Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. 2023 legislative session: Richard DeBolt said Economic Alliance will participate in Dig Once meetings. Announcements: Eric Eisenberg discussed his work on the county’s water bank work. He said authorization to seek grants will go through the resolution process. Fox Theatre: Becky Butler said the county approved up to $500,000 for the Fox Theatre. She said the Fox Theatre group has requested a change in scope. Joe Clark and Andrew Christiansen discussed the Fox Theatre’s five construction phases: • Building envelope: $509,616 • Interior infrastructure: $735,000 • Interior finishes: $3,015,375 • Contractor-provider services: $710,432 • Historic restoration: $190,000 Joe said $3.8 million has been invested in the project so far. Rob Hill said roughly half of the amount has come from tax dollars. Joe said it will cost roughly $6 million to complete the project. Commissioner Brummer made a motion to approve the amended Fox Theatre application for American Rescue Plan Act funding. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Project updates / timelines Josh Metcalf said staff is reviewing submissions for the Vader Water System upgrades project and will award the bid soon. Josh said staff is finalizing negotiations for the consultant services contract for the Packwood Sewer Project. Steve Wohld said staff is working with an engineering firm to design the new layout for the fairgrounds water system upgrade. He said the project will then be put out to bid. Steve said he is pursuing other grants to help offset the costs. Jenn Libby-Jones said the commissioners approved the engineering RFP for the 911 communications upgrades earlier in the week. She said the contract should be awarded in the second quarter and that installation of the microwaves should be complete by 2026. Shad Hail said he has made an offer for the Youth Mentorship Coordinator position. Richard DeBolt and Todd Chaput discussed the Economic Alliance’s work on Dig Once. Todd said a stakeholders update will be planned in the coming months. Matt Jaeger said IT is working on its seven projects • Microsoft 365: Work will be completed by second quarter • Wireless upgrades: Project will start in the first quarter • Fibre optic lines: Will need to negotiate contracts • Security information: Will be complete soon • Facilities asset code tracking: On hold • Phone system: Testing will begin in February • Courts project: Completed Becky said the county’s grant management contract with EA will expire in May. The commissioners said they will end the contract once the funds run out or in May, whichever comes first. Becky said the county’s grant management contract with BerryDunn also is set to expire. She said she will be requesting an extension. Becky said the county has spent $1.6 million of its ARPA funds to date. Becky noted that contracts must be in place by the end of 2024. Becky noted that the new spending bill appears to allow more funding for roads and infrastructure. Meeting adjourned at 11:41 a.m.