2023-01-30 BOCC Wrap-Up CM UpdateBOCC Wrap-Up / County Manager Update January 30, 2023 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Amber Smith, Meja Handlen, Nic Scott, BJ Kuykendall, Doug Carey, Ross McDowell, Erika Katt, Grace Jimenez, Tina Hemphill, Eric Eisenberg, Janelle Lindsey, Josh Weiss, Lara McRea, Matt Jaeger, Mindy Brooks, Rocky Lyon, Sherri Dokken, Troy Nichols, Vanessa Ruelas, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Daleyn Coleman, Michelle Sabin, Mindy Brooks, Linda Mastin, Chief Stacy Denham, Treasurer Arny Davis, Assessor Ross Nielson, Tailor Arrington Guest(s): Individual listed as “Guest,” Willie Painter, Kristine Rompa, Kristen Wecker Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: >> Wrap-Up items 2023 legislative session HB 1363 vehicular pursuits: The commissioners said they support the proposed fix to address recent legislation regarding vehicular pursuits. HB 1572 concerning venue for actions for the recovery of taxes. The commissioners said they’d like to hear from Rep. Orcutt about his proposed bill. HB 1403 regarding UGAs: Josh Weiss said he doesn’t feel the proposal will move forward. Josh asked if the commissioners are in support of 1425 regarding annexations. The commissioners said they would need additional time to review it. Josh discussed 5440, which passes on state’s responsibilities in jail settings. The commissioners said they oppose the bill. Josh discussed HB 1515, which requires standards for managed care organizations providing care through Medicaid. The group also discussed 5202 regarding homelessness, a bill regarding housing shortages, a bill regarding real estate excise tax and others. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to add to the agenda for the Jan. 31, 2023, BOCC Business Meeting the following resolution: Resolution 23-040: Appoint Mary Garrison to the Lodging Tax Advisory Board. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Employee Handbook updates: Amber Smith discussed the proposed changes to the Employee Handbook. Homeless services: Commissioner Swope discussed the Recovery Navigator Program and shortfalls of individuals getting the treatment they need. Chief Stacy Denham discussed concerns regarding a lack of services for homeless individuals, including leadership, communication and coordination gaps. Meja Handlen clarified that the county does not fund the Recovery Navigator Program. Meja said she has requested a copy of the related contracts and has requested a meeting with Great Rivers, Gather Church and Cascade to address the concerns. Mountain View Cemetery: Erik Martin said the county has acquired a cemetery due to a tax foreclosure. He noted that the county already is reaching out to the city of Centralia regarding the property. The commissioners directed Nic Scott to issue a statement. Treasurer Arny Davis said he has reached out to Centralia about potentially creating a junior taxing district. Internal Services Chief Steve Wohld said the former owner contacted him and indicated he has the records. Amber Smith suggested reaching out to the PA’s Office regarding a potential contract for the opening and closing of the property. Boundary Review Board vacancy: The commissioners said they would like to appoint Tyler Shoemaker to the position. Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging (LMTAAA) vacancies: The commissioners said they would like to review the appointees’ applications and then revisit the topic Feb. 6. Capital projects, including funding options: Steve Wohld and Doug Carey discussed the $2 million funding gap for the county’s capital projects. Doug noted that two bonds will expire at the end of 2024, reducing the Current Expense debt load by $400,000. Arny Davis said bond rates are estimated at 5.5 percent. The commissioners discussed the pros and cons of borrowing additional funds to cover costs of replacing the HVAC unit at the jail. Calendars: Commissioner Swope said he will be out of the office Feb. 3 and will miss the Mayors’ Meeting. Senior services: Commissioner Swope said Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging LMTAAA’s salaries and benefits total $9 million yet there has been no increase to food help for senior centers. Correspondence: Lee Napier noted that the written record for the YMCA matter opens Jan. 31. At 10:42 a.m., the commissioners announced they were taking a 2-minute break. The meeting resumed at 10:47 a.m. >> County Manager items American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding: Becky Butler said the county may have to ask for an extension due to portal difficulties. Public Works / DEM update City of Centralia Emergency Management: Erik Martin noted that Centralia had withdrawn from the county’s Department of Emergency Management. He discussed a letter and proposed interlocal agreement that have been drafted to send the city. Erik noted that as part of the withdrawal, the county would have to bill the city for services rendered should the county have to respond within the city. Internal Services update Parks & Recreation update: BJ Kuykendall discussed upgrades to being made to county parks. He said a reopening is planned for March 3. BJ said fair superintendents have requested the county remove the open class for horses. Steve Wohld and BJ said open class is open to non-4-H participants and ends up limiting access for 4-H participants. BJ also said he’d like to increase the cost for rentals at which alcohol will be served from $250 to $750. The group also discussed requiring licensed bartenders for events that include alcohol. Steve also discussed limiting how far in advance individuals can reserve county facilities. Calendars / vacation schedule: Commissioner Pollock said she will be out of the office the week of Feb. 20. Meeting ended at 11:14 a.m.