2023-02-01 Sheriffs UpdateSheriff’s Update February 1, 2023 10:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Sheriff Rob Snaza, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Special Services Chief Kevin Engelbertson, Chris Sweet, Field Operations Chief Dusty Breen, Patrol Captain Rick VanWyck, Nic Scott, Becky Butler Guest(s): Isabel Vander Stoep Recorder: Tammy Martin Public comment: None Legislative update: Sheriff Rob Snaza said there has been movement with sexual offender homes and on the issues associated with housing. Sheriff Snaza said at this time, Lewis County does not appear to be a location for sex offender housing. He said there are significant costs associated with housing. Sheriff Snaza said the Department of Social & Health Services is managing the housing program and needs to be more transparent with the public. Commissioner Pollock suggested having proactive zoning requirements in place. Sheriff Snaza said HB1363 and SB5352 concern pursuit and HB1613 and SB5467 concern the State v. Blake decision and his office has been following these items closely. Sheriff Snaza said there is a date set for Feb. 7 for area law enforcement to meet with legislative representatives from the 19th and the 20th district to discuss the proposed issues. He also said they are watching SB5533 CJTC Study Bill. Services Bureau Chief Kevin Engelbertson gave the following updates: Kevin said staffing has one support staff position that is in the hiring process and they are looking to open the civil service hiring list for another support staff. Kevin said cash and checks are the only currency accepted at the Sherriff’s Office and they are looking at point of pay systems. Kevin said they are looking at options for obtaining concealed permit appointments, paperwork and payments. This is at no cost to the Sheriff’s Office and minimal fess will be passed along to the user. This would also be available at the east end substation. Operations Bureau Chief Dusty Breen gave the following updates: Dusty said there are three vacancies, with one intent to hire and one position that is currently in the background process. They are still looking for a third candidate. Dusty said they have three positions have been impacted by non-work related injuries. Dusty said February 16th the Sheriff’s office is participating in a career day at Centralia College. They recently wrapped up Safety City and attended the Walmart grand re-opening. Dusty said Walmart presented the Sherriff’s Office with a check for shop with a cop. Corrections Chief Chris Sweet gave the following Corrections Bureau updates: Chief Sweet said there are 10 vacant positions. Five of these positions are FTO training, being filled by a corrections deputy that has recently come back from the patrol side and one applicant in the background process. Chief Sweet thanked the Commissioners for the approval of the medical liaison. He said the liaison has been a valuable asset. Chief Sweet said there are kiosk systems that are being updated / upgraded and should be complete this week. They are in process of upgrading the camera systems in the jail starting in February. Chief Sweet said there are emergent needs for HVAC system upgrades as some areas do not have heat and have been using portable heaters. Sheriff Snaza said that he had a recent meeting on how best to move forward with the construction of the east county sub-station. He said the substation would provide staffing for areas in the east end. Sheriff Snaza said the shop with a cop had 29 children that were able to participate with their families in this experience. Each child received a bicycle of their own along with other donations from Walmart. Sheriff Snaza said this builds positive life-long relationships. He said the Sheriff’s Office Annual agency meeting will take place at the Bethel Church on Feb. 9, to recognize people for their work and to discuss future goals. Meeting adjourned 11:26 a.m.