2023-02-03 Mayors MeetingMayors’ Meeting February 3, 2023 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Winlock Mayor Brandon Svenson, Chehalis City Manager Jill Anderson, Morton Mayor Dan Mortensen, Mossyrock Mayor Randy Sasser, Nic Scott, Cameron Kockritz of Rep. Maria Gluesenkamp Perez’s office, Amber Smith, Lara McRea, Lee Napier, Vader Mayor Joe Schey, Paul Mason of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Peter Lahmann, Napavine Mayor Shawn O’Neill, Mossyrock Planning Commission member Marcia Manley, Tanisha Harris of Sen. Cantwell’s office, Solid Waste Manager Rocky Lyon, Becky Butler, Chehalis Mayor Tony Ketchum, Amber Smith, Eric Eisenberg, Lee Napier, Mindy Brooks, Lara McRea, Pe Ell Mayor Lonnie Willey, Meja Handlen Guest(s): The Chronicle, Tom Crowson (9:43 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Roundtable Rocky Lyon invited mayors and city offices to attend a Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting during which the Department of Ecology will give a presentation about new laws requiring compost ordinances. Becky Butler discussed deadlines for ARPA funding. She said the county and cities are doing the best they can with the ever-changing compliance requirements. She said the delayed Treasury guidelines and lack of support has hamstrung local jurisdictions efforts to comply. Cameron Kockritz of Rep. Maria Gluesenkamp Perez’s office said the congresswoman has reached out to NACO to address the ARPA troubles. Mayor Randy Sasser provided updates on grants Mossyrock has secured. Chehalis City Manager Jill Anderson said the city continues to see exponential growth. She said the city’s upcoming projects include Main Street and West Side Park in addition to an online application program. Peter Lahmann invited the audience to a veterans / military resource fair Feb. 15 at the Veterans Museum. He also discussed an upcoming program that will provide services – such as phones – for veterans. Winlock Mayor Brandon Svenson discussed sustained home growth in the city. He said the PUD is moving ahead with its substation on SR 505. Mayor Svenson said the city has completed work and adopted an ordinance for traffic impact fees. Morton Mayor Dan Mortensen said the city learned it will receive a $75,000 RCO grant. Amber Smith said she will be the cities’ contact for court services contracts related to indigent defense. Eric Eisenberg said the city of Centralia has learned it is a finalist for Thrive grant support. Eric asked if any of the cities have or need a trailer-mounted weed sprayer and a road striper. Napavine Mayor Shawn O’Neill discussed the city’s growth. He said the city has a street striper and may have a trailer with a tank. Mayor O’Neill said the school bond goes before voters Feb. 14. 2023 legislative session: Erik invited the cities to listen in to the county’s legislative updates at 9 a.m. Mondays. Erik said Sen. Braun is working on a bill that would give .01 percent of state sales tax to the local government to spend on senior services. Tom Crowson joined at 9:43 a.m. Sex offender housing: Mayor Svenson discussed the state’s plan to distribute sex offenders throughout the state. The commissioners noted they had discussed the topic with the Sheriff’s Office the previous day. Comprehensive plan updates: Commissioner Brummer encouraged cities to consider an interlocal agreement with the county to hire a consultant to work on the comprehensive plan updates. He noted that Commerce is providing funding for comp plans. Kate Chatterton read state transportation updates provided by Paul Mason of the Washington State Department of Transportation. Rocky Lyon discussed the benefits of curbside recycling, which is being expanded countywide. Meeting adjourned at 10:09 a.m.