2023-02-06 Economic Alliance UpdateEconomic Alliance Update February 6, 2023 1:32 p.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Nic Scott, Rieva Lester, Todd Chaput, Richard DeBolt, Becky Butler, Eric Eisenberg Guest(s): Russell Page, Kyle Heaton Recorder: Tammy Martin Legislative update: The Chehalis Water reuse and seismic retro upgrades are happening to the Chamber Way Bridge. Richard said there is a $700 million lawsuit that will come out of the capital budget before funding will be approved for other projects. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) update - Stakeholder Meeting: The Economic Alliance would like to present the Dig Once during the May Mayors’ Meeting. EA reporting: Commissioner Brummer asked if the Economic Alliance would go back to outside accounting and both Todd and Richard said it is easier to have the accounting piece done in house. Economic Development Update: Richard said the EA banquet was a great success. The next event is the Women in Business forum, and guest speakers will include Christine Gregoire, Heidi Pehl, Coralee Taylor and Susie Swope. He said they are teaming up with Women United and United Way. Todd said the tourism stakeholders meeting last month was well attended. Todd said the EA is putting together a kiosk for Discover Lewis County. Todd said the key feature to the website is a map. Richard said there is good coordination from stakeholders to discuss branding. Distressed Counties funding: Richard said there are new forms for Distressed Counties applications. These forms will include more specific information. This will include policy updates that will need to be adopted after approval has been received from the PA’s Office. This would be discussed at a regular BOCC Business Meeting. March is the first meeting. Housing Update: Eric Sonnenberg is the lead for the housing summit. Recruitment: Richard said there are three projects currently under way. One in will be in Winlock, one in the Port of Chehalis and the third may be moving to the Port of Centralia. Richard said the CEDS document needs to be updated to a federal status. This would allow organizations in Lewis County to receive Federal funding. Amy Buzzard is helping with this. Announcements: Todd said he is speaking to several groups about the Local Actions Non-Dam (LAND) meeting. Todd said the focus of their efforts are in the upper basin of the Chehalis River. Richard feels the retention facility is the best option at this time. Todd said any solution would be considered as an alternative. Richard said the Economic Alliance is doing a year in review about the programs the Economic Alliance is participating in. Meeting ended at 2:14 p.m.