2023-02-28 Budget UpdateBudget Update February 28, 2023 2:01 p.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Nic Scott Guest(s): None Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Year end: Becky Butler She said she estimates a $1.1 million use of fund balance for 2022. She said a full report will be available after the reporting deadline closes. ARPA updates and funding changes: New category allowed for infrastructure projects. Reporting guidelines likely will be issued by the end of March. The group discussed an upcoming Centralia City Council meeting, during which county officials will consider funding for the West Connector and possibly improvements to infrastructure at the fairgrounds. Becky said the Fair RFP for the water project has been drafted. She said she’ll have the commissioners review their allocations in March. She said she’ll ask to extend the contract with Berry Dunn, and she noted that the funding for COVID leave pay will expire soon. Broadband update: Becky said she will meet with the county’s archaeological monitoring firm later in the week. She discussed upcoming meetings with Toledo Tel. Commissioner Pollock said she would like to attend. Budget calendar: The commissioners reviewed calendars for the 2023-24 budget season. Opioid settlement: Becky said the county is being asked to report on the two payments and to determine whether the commissioners would like to earmark any of the county’s settlements for other jurisdictions. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to not fund any other jurisdictions with the county’s opioid settlements. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Becky said she and Kevin McDowell will meet March 3 to further discuss the opioid litigation. Becky said the county has received documentation from five more entities that must pay opioid settlements. Staffing: Becky said she interviewed three rock stars for her open budget tech position. She said she will work with other directors to try to bring all three to the county. ARPA: The commissioners said they will have the chair sign upcoming contracts after the County Manager departs. Becky said she would like to attend a Munis conference in San Antonio in May. She said the costs would total roughly $3,000. The commissioners approved the request. Meeting ended at 2:56 p.m.