LC Broadband Action Team Mayors: The Lewis County Broadband Action Team (LCBAT) is a community group of volunteers who were previously organized as the PUD’s Broadband Champions. We have since organized as a separate community group that is independent of the PUD or any other entity. Our vision and mission is the full development of a reliable and innovative telecommunications network serving everyone in Lewis County with affordable high-speed internet that is adaptable to their changing needs. To help obtain federal grant funding for broadband deployment, the LCBAT has been tapped to write a county Broadband Equity Access and Deployment plan and a Digital Equity Plan with a deadline of June 2023. Completing the plans will allow Washington to compete for over $65 billion in funding under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and other laws. We need your help, please! We need help reaching organizations that support the following populations to join our effort:  Populations whose income is under 150% of the federal poverty level  Aging individuals  Incarcerated or the formerly incarcerated  Veterans  Individuals with disabilities  Individuals of racial or ethnic minority groups  Individuals who primarily reside in rural areas  Individuals with a language barrier, including those who are English learners, or have low levels of literacy  Children and youth in foster care  Individuals experiencing housing instability We also need help reaching “Community Anchor Institutions” (CAI) to help with the effort:  Schools  Libraries  Hospitals and other medical providers  Public Safety  Religious and secular charitable organizations  Institutions of higher education  Community support organizations that facilitate greater use of broadband by vulnerable populations including low-income, unemployed, and the aged Other contacts that are needed:  Internet Service Providers (ISP)  Telecom companies  Wireless communication providers  Cable companies  IT professionals from Cities, Ports, County, and other government LCBAT Meeting Schedule: Regular Monthly Meetings – 1st Wednesday of the month @ 3PM via Zoom. The Next Bi-Weekly Broadband Equity Planning Meetings – March 14, 2023 @ 3PM via Zoom. Zoom Info: Meeting ID – 830 5108 6344 Passcode – 396353 Please help us get the word out to the aforementioned groups to join us at the meetings above so we can enlist volunteers to help with this worthy effort. To sign up or to ask questions, Please email: lewiscountyBAT@gmail.com We will reply as soon as possible. Mission: “Bringing reliable and affordable Broadband to all Lewis County residents and businesses.” Vision: “Recognizing that broadband is critical infrastructure necessary for a prosperous and equitable future, the LCBAT vision for Lewis County is the full development of a reliable and innovative telecommunications network serving everyone in Lewis County with affordable high-speed internet that is adaptable to their changing needs“