2023-03-15 ESC Directors UpdateESC / Directors’ Update March 15, 2023 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Eric Eisenberg, Lee Napier, Doug Carey, Nic Scott, Gabe Anzelini, Matt Jaeger, BJ Kuykendall, Becky Butler, Meja Handlen, Josh Metcalf, Arny Davis, Alex Murray, Brittni Rogers, Casey Mauermann, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Michelle Sauter, Shelly Stewart, Sarah Hensley, Tailor Arrington, Daleyn Coleman, Amber Smith, Shad Hail, Graham Gowing, Matt Thuston Guest(s): John Christian, individual identified as “Guest” Recorder: Rieva Lester >> ESC County Manager succession planning: Erik Martin said GMP Consultants will be in town to meet with the commissioners March 20. He said time could be made available with electeds should any electeds wish to meet with the group. Cybersecurity: Gabe Anzelini discussed the county’s move to use ThreatBlockr as a cybersecurity measure. He discussed upcoming password and other security measures. Electeds' announcements / roundtable: Undersheriff Wes Rethwill said the Sheriff’s Office is closely watching two bills: one dealing with the Blake decision and the other dealing with police pursuits. >> Directors’ Update Josh Metcalf discussed a notice for the necessary acquisition of additional right of way for the Centralia Alpha Road Improvement Project. Rieva Lester noted that the proposed resolution to ratify a professional services agreement between PPC Solutions and Lewis County for Security Services at the Juvenile Court is on hold for one week. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to authorize the Public Works Director to sign agreements with HDR Engineering for Railroad Switch Upgrades and Railroad Track Extension and Road Crossing Closure at Pacific Sound and Pacific (PSAP) Railroad at Reynolds Avenue. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution for the proposed acquisition of additional right of way for Kruger Road MP 1.2, Onalaska. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to appoint Shawn O'Neill to the Lewis County Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to move one notice, two consent and three deliberation items to the Tuesday, March 21, 2023, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Announcements / new business Steve Wohld said the Juvenile ribbon-cutting will be March 24 and the parks ribbon-cutting events will be March 31. Steve said he is looking to fill a temporary admin position to fill the gap left by Lara McRea’s absence and Janelle Lindsey’s temporary absence. Eric Eisenberg said he will attend Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez’s farm bill listening event later in the day. He said he will discuss broadband and the grain terminal. Commissioner Swope asked him to also discuss veterans’ needs. Josh Metcalf said WSDOT will give a presentation to the commissioners March 29 and that WSDOT will hold a joint meeting with Public Works on April 20. Lee Napier said Community Development held a Packwood subarea update in Packwood on March 14 and would like to update the commissioner on where the subarea plan is at on March 20. Doug Carey discussed the upcoming grand openings. Nic Scott said he is preparing to launch the Lewis County e-newsletter. Matt Jaeger discussed the county’s migration to a new phone system. He said the change will require 10-digit dialing. Daleyn Coleman said HR will soon launch a new Personnel Action Form (PAF) process. She said HR is recruiting for a full-time office assistant. Amber Smith said Casey Mauermann and others have been working on an updated public records policy. She said the plan is to have it ratified in April. BJ Kuykendall discussed the parks tour planned for March 31. Becky Butler discussed her recent tour of the Juvenile center. Becky discussed Larry Boehm’s work on the broadband project. She said budget amendments are due March 23. She noted that the Auditor’s Office has received large late items for year-end. She also discussed an upcoming meeting regarding opioid litigation. Meja Handlen discussed county efforts to ban horse tripping, which is still allowed in Washington state. Meja said PHSS has mitigated some concerns regarding food permits. Meja discussed outreach regarding youth mental health and opioids. Meja invited anyone interested to tour the animal shelter. Meja invited the community to help give Tailor Arrington a warm sendoff later in the day. Wednesday Workshop Night-by-night shelter RFP selection process: Eric Eisenberg asked the commissioners for any feedback regarding proposed contract language. The group discussed needs for the night-by-night and animal shelter buildings. Commissioner Swope suggested creating a stakeholders group to workshop on the collaborative design. The group discussed using the credit union building as a temporary animal shelter site for the animal shelter while the Community Development building is revamped. Commissioner Pollock said she will attend the workshop. Calendars Commissioner Swope said the bids for newspaper of record will be opened during March 21 Business Meeting and that Timberland Regional Library Executive Director Cheryl Heywood will give a state-of- the-library update during the meeting. The commissioners asked to move the park tour date to April 7. Meeting ended at 10:32 a.m.