To:Mindy Brooks
Subject:Fw: Email from Commissioners Contact Form
Date:Tuesday, February 14, 2023 8:18:06 AM
From: contact@lewiscountywa.gov <contact@lewiscountywa.gov>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 11:43 PM
To: Rieva Lester <Rieva.Lester@lewiscountywa.gov>; Tammy Martin
<Tammy.Martin@lewiscountywa.gov>; BOCC <BOCC@lewiscountywa.gov>
Subject: Email from Commissioners Contact Form
Name: COL (Ret) RONALD AVERILLEmail: colronjanaverill@comcast.net
Message: Comment for the Hearing for Ordinance 1343 on the agenda for the February 14thBOCC Meeting. I oppose the change in designation of the Property purchased by the Seattle
YMCA near Mineral from Forest Land of Commercial Significance to a Master PlannedResort. My decision is not based on the new property owners or the potential clients they may
serve as that issue is not relevant to the argument. My concerns are related to the designationsand what I believe is in the best interest of the county. First, Lewis County is prime land for
forest production as verified by the over 900,000 acres of forest in the county. While theoriginal purpose would not put a significant dent in forest production, the Seattle YMCA has
now purchased an additional 1600 acres. If the new purchase is included in the zoningdesignation it will take more land out of forest products and provide a huge area for a Master
Planned Resort. Our forest land is a prime area for carbon sequestration under GovernorInslee's cap and trade plan and Lewis County can be one of the benefactors. On the other hand,
I would argue that a YMCA camp is not what was envisioned for a Master Planned Resort.The MPR should be providing tourist facilities and services to bring significant numbers of
tourists and their dollars to the county. Such a resort was envisioned for Elbe in Pierce Countyin the late 90's but still languishes to this day. In my estimation, our commissioners stand on
firm ground denying the application based on their determination of best use of the land.
To:Mindy Brooks
Subject:YMCA Camp Rezone
Date:Monday, February 13, 2023 7:54:12 PM
Please approve the YMCA property development.
As a child I went to YMCA camps every summer. It was my first adventure away from home and
family, even if only for two weeks. I was a city kid and the immersion in woods and lakes introduced
me to the outdoors. Today there are thousands of city kids that need immersion in the outdoors.
Please consider the good that a camp can have for thousands of young people.
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From:Levi Matthew
To:Mindy Brooks; BOCC
Date:Monday, February 13, 2023 6:34:00 PM
Dear County Commissioners,
I would like to express my opposition to the proposed YMCA camp project.
It is extremely disappointing to me that the YMCA has abandoned the Christian principlesthey once championed. This has unfortunately been the case of many formerly great and
respectable organizations in our nation.The YMCA should be a place where my daughter could go and be safe and protected and it is
not.The multiple incidents of sexual assault and indecent exposure to minors, etc have occurred at
these facilities have not been addressed with legitimate concern and preventive action, butrather have been met with deflection and attempts to legitimize the behavior under their
policies of "diversity and inclusion".The notion that it is ok for a grown adult male to share the shower facility with a young girl is
not "diversity and inclusion", it is perverse and predatory. I am amazed that it is now necessary to write such a letter in opposition to an organization that
at one time would have been welcomed as an asset to our community.
Levi M. Horner
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From:LavenderRose _
To:Mindy Brooks
Subject:[Spam?] YMCA
Date:Monday, February 13, 2023 6:12:52 PM
Dear County Commissioners,
I am writing to Express my opposition to the proposed YMCA camp. While the YMCA usedto be a Christian organization, I can no longer find evidence of its founding principles at work
today. Instead, this organization seems to have adopted and appears to be promoting acomplete opposite agenda from the "Christian Principles" it claims to uphold on their website.
There have been multiple incidences at various locations of sexual assault, indecent exposureto minors, etc. The YMCA has failed to address this safety issue, and has instead allowed
these types of attacks to continue in their facilities. A YMCA camp in Lewis County would place Lewis county youth at risk of sexual assault.
I strongly oppose allowing an organization that does not uphold personal privacy and safety asa core requirement for the functioning of any of its facilities to build in Lewis County.
Below are a couple of articles for your reference.
Sincerely, Janelle Horner
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