2022-11-04_Ordinance1337_ReadAhead Date: November 4, 2022 To: Lewis County Board of County Commissioners From: Mindy Brooks, Senior Long Range Planner, Community Development RE: Ordinance 1337 This memo contains two reminders about the Ordinance, answer to a question from Commissioner Grose and a recommendation on how to proceed through motions and deliberation on November 8. 2022. In addition, attached are rebuttals from the applicants on YMCA rezone (Attachment A) and Mining Opt-in (Attachment B). Previous Testimony on all Proposal All of the proposals went through SEPA review and received public comments, as well as being heard by the Planning Commission at public hearings. Exhibit A of Ordinance 1337 provides a list of supporting materials, which includes links to the previous comments and testimony. You are encouraged to review all supporting materials. The supporting materials on the UGA expansions are found here https://lewiscountywa.gov/departments/community-development/rezones/comprehensive-plan-and-development-regulation-amendments/. The supporting materials on the rezones are found here https://lewiscountywa.gov/departments/community-development/rezones/. Approval Criteria and Findings of Fact The approval criteria that must be used when deliberating on amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are found in Lewis County Code 17.12.100. Staff and Planning Commission provided findings of fact regarding these criteria and all applicable state laws; those findings are in Ordinance 1337 Exhibit A. Findings of fact are the legal rationale for your decisions. If you chose to make a different decision than was recommended by Planning Commission or to place conditions on an approval, we will need to provide new findings of fact (aka your rationale as it relates to applicable codes and laws). As was noted at the hearing, people both in support and opposed to any of the proposals may provide testimony that covers any issues they wish to include. They are not required to only provide testimony as it relates directly to the applicable codes and laws. However, you should consider the testimony as it relates directly to the applicable codes and laws. This will aide in producing the findings of fact that provide legal support for your final decision. 2 of 3 Question Regarding UGA Boundary Amendments Commissioner Grose asked staff for information on the last time the City of Centralia or City of Chehalis requested an amendment to their UGA boundary. The most recent amendments to each city’s UGA occurred in 2019. Ordinance 1307, which includes the supporting materials and findings of fact for the amendments, is Attachment C to this memo. Recommendations for Motions and Deliberation Staff recommend making motions for each proposal, deliberating and voting, individually. Ordinance 1337 has been rearranged to aide in this approach. The rearranged ordinance has been uploaded to Packetwriter. Please note, no substantive changes were made to the ordinance; the only change was to rearrange the order for ease of deliberating and voting. Staff have prepared potential motions below for each proposal, as recommended to you by Planning Commission and as written in Ordinance 1337. If you would like staff’s assistance in crafting amendments to the motions, please let me know. I make a motion to deny the proposed expansion of the City of Chehalis urban growth area to include the parcel listed in Ordinance 1337, Exhibit A, Attachment 1, also known as the Breen property. I make a motion to approve the proposed expansion of the City of Chehalis urban growth area to include the parcels listed in Ordinance 1337, Exhibit A, Attachment 2, also known as the Westlund-Enbody property, and to require that a conservation easement be placed on the 100-year floodplain prior to development. I make a motion to approve the proposed expansion of the City of Centralia urban growth area to include the parcels listed in Ordinance 1337, Exhibit A, Attachment 3. I make a motion to approve the proposed comprehensive plan map amendment and associated zoning designation for the parcels listed in Ordinance 1337, Exhibit A, Attachment 4, also known as the YMCA rezone, and to restrict uses on parcels as described in Exhibit A, Attachment 4, and to include a reverter that if the project does not proceed the on the timelines described in Ordinance 1337, the master planned resort overlay zone will expire and the zoning will revert to forest resource land of long-term significance (FRL) for all listed parcels. I make a motion to approve the proposed comprehensive plan map amendment and associated zoning designation for the parcels listed in Ordinance 1337, Exhibit A, Attachment 5, also known as the Good-Avapollo Mining Opt-in. I make a motion to approve the proposed comprehensive plan map amendment and associated zoning designation for the parcel listed in Ordinance 1337, Exhibit A, Attachment 6, also known as the De Goede property. I make a motion to approve the proposed comprehensive plan map amendment and associated zoning designation for the parcel listed in Ordinance 1337, Exhibit A, Attachment 7, also known as the Adna Grocery Store.