2023-03-20 Coordinated Entry Review with HopeSourceCoordinated Entry Review with HopeSource March 20, 2023 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, HopeSource CEO Susan Grindle, HopeSource Director of Operations Mark Hollandsworth, Centralia Police Chief Stacy Denham, Matt Jaeger, Eric Eisenberg, HopeSource Chief Operations Officer John Raymond, Centralia City Manager Rob Hill, HopeSource Director of Data Insights Britt Smith Guest(s): Kris Camenzind of Hope Alliance, Patty Howard, Salvation Army Captain Gin Pack, Ruth Gutierrez of the Lewis County Shelter Program Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. HopeSource CEO Susan Grindle provided an overview of HopeSource, a private, non-profit organization that has provides a wide range of human services across the state. HopeSource Director of Operations Mark Hollandsworth discussed the coordinated entry software HopeSource has developed. He said HopeSource is cloud-based software that moves people to self- sufficiency by providing access to education, employment, economic development and vital services. The group further discussed the HopeSource platform as well as the use of Apricot, an all-in-one nonprofit database platform designed to track and manage data sets, export the data with custom reporting and dashboards, and manage user access with role-based permissions and security. Meja Handlen asked about the cost for HopeSource, noting that coordinated entry costs are paid for through local document recording fees. Mark said HopeSource could provide a cost estimate based on Lewis County’s needs. He noted that HopeSource provides IT updates, etc., in-house. Meja said the county will have follow-up discussions about potentially partnering with HopeSource to create the coordinated entry platform and dashboard. Meeting ended at 11:57 a.m.