Veterans 5358-S.PLCERTIFICATION OF ENROLLMENT SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5358 68th Legislature 2023 Regular Session Passed by the Senate March 6, 2023 Yeas 48 Nays 0 President of the Senate Passed by the House April 12, 2023 Yeas 97 Nays 0 Speaker of the House of Representatives CERTIFICATE I, Sarah Bannister, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5358 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth. Secretary Approved FILED Governor of the State of Washington Secretary of State State of Washington AN ACT Relating to expanding veterans' services and programs; 1 amending RCW 43.60A.101; adding new sections to chapter 43.60A RCW; 2 creating a new section; and providing expiration dates.3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON:4 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that it is vital for 5 veterans in their return to our communities to have adequate 6 community supports. Local programs that connect veterans with their 7 federal benefits and with other veterans for peer support are crucial 8 components of that structure. It is the intent of the legislature 9 through this act to enhance state funding of these programs to ensure 10 they are robust and widely available throughout the state.11 NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 43.60A 12 RCW to read as follows:13 (1) By September 30, 2024, the department must submit a report to 14 the legislature on the veterans service officer program authorized in 15 RCW 43.60A.230 to determine the effectiveness of the program in 16 meeting the needs of veterans in the state. The report must include 17 the number of veterans receiving services from the program, the 18 location of such services, and an analysis of areas of the state that 19 are lacking these services. The report must also include 20 SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5358 Passed Legislature - 2023 Regular Session State of Washington 68th Legislature 2023 Regular Session By Senate State Government & Elections (originally sponsored by Senators Gildon, Nobles, Conway, Holy, Lovelett, Nguyen, Randall, Torres, Wagoner, Wellman, C. Wilson, and L. Wilson) READ FIRST TIME 02/07/23. p. 1 SSB 5358.PL recommendations for how to phase in an expansion of these services to 1 these areas.2 (2) This section expires December 31, 2024.3 Sec. 3. RCW 43.60A.101 and 2017 c 192 s 5 are each amended to 4 read as follows:5 (1) By ((December 31, 2018)) September 30, 2024, the department 6 ((of veterans affairs)) must submit a report to the legislature on 7 the veteran peer-to-peer training and support program authorized in 8 RCW 43.60A.100 to determine the effectiveness of the program in 9 meeting the needs of veterans in the state. The report must include 10 the number of veterans receiving peer-to-peer support and the 11 location of such support services; the number of veterans trained 12 through the program to provide peer-to-peer support; and the types of 13 training and support services provided by the program. The report 14 must also include an analysis of ((peer-to-peer training and support 15 programs developed by other states, as well as in the private and 16 nonprofit sectors, in order to evaluate best practices for 17 implementing and managing the veteran peer-to-peer training and 18 support program authorized in RCW 43.60A.100)) areas of the state 19 that do not have these support services and are in need of these 20 services, including recommendations for how to phase in an expansion 21 of these services to these areas.22 (2) This section expires December 31, 2024.23 NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 43.60A 24 RCW to read as follows:25 It is the intent of the legislature to increase state 26 appropriations for veterans service officer and peer mentoring 27 programs with this act. As a result, and subject to the availability 28 of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, the department 29 shall provide grants to counties of the state in order to develop or 30 expand veterans service officer programs, peer-to-peer support 31 programs, and other services and programs to assist veterans in areas 32 where these programs and services are needed. In distributing these 33 grants, the department must prioritize counties with smaller 34 populations and counties that are below the national average in the 35 p. 2 SSB 5358.PL percentage of veterans receiving federal disability or pension 1 compensation.2 --- END --- p. 3 SSB 5358.PL