VJF Proposal #2.1 PREPARED BY: Jesse Lloyd Program Manager of Veterans Journey Forward (360)269-7535 jesse.l@veteransjourneyforward.org SCHEDULE A: OVERARCHING PROJECT OBJECTIVE The Veterans Journey Forward project seeks to create a peer support hub as well as provide peer training for veterans. Helping veterans overcome mental health issues, substance use and abuse, and trauma. We have goals to eventually expand enrollment to veterans’ families and first responders and provide mental health care. The support network we are building will provide a lifeline to our community for essential services. In addition, fostering partnerships to help with the mental health needs of the local Veteran community. Peer services are vital for veterans because they share a bond that is often missed in a clinical setting. Understanding the struggles of being a veteran is a key point of understanding their obstacles. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT Our purpose is to provide peer-based mental health services, resources, and community for veterans in Lewis County and the region. We will provide mental health support through peer coaching. Providing training in peer services to be able to have veteran peer coaches in our community to help with mental health and substance issues. Meeting veterans where they are and working at their speed allows for direct connection and a trusting therapeutic rapport. Providing proof of veteran status allows for completely free services to our veterans’ community. Veterans share a bond that cannot be taught and veterans will often only share the deepest part of their lives with other veterans. Desirables Our desirable outcome is to provide at least 10 services for our veterans per active provider. Our goal is to provide care for our veterans for as long as they need it. We aim to change how mental health is evaluated and put our veterans first. Providing mental health training to give our community the tools to notice and help veterans suffering from mental health obstacles. Connecting veterans to services that fit their needs that range from dental care to recreational therapy. We will be traveling around the County to Timberland Libraries providing mobile care for veterans that are located in more rural areas. A CPC and a VSO will be able to provide care to veterans that are unable to travel extended distances to VA care sites. BUDGET ALLOCATION 8 Months: May-December 2023 Total Budget # Topic Description Amount 1 Salary • Program Manager- (salary $36,000) • Administration Assistant-accountant (salary $6,934) • Veterans Service Officer/traveling ($20hr part-time $14,000) • Tax/Retirement(10.65% $8,000) $64,934 2 Rent • $600 month $4,800 3 Training/Events • Training • Event equipment $15,000 4 Event Supplies • Merchandise, Food $1,000 5 Exposure • Advertisement/ Promotion $4,266 6 Total $90,000 County ask-payroll, rent # Topic Description Amount 1 Salary • Program Manager- (salary $36,000) • Administration Assistant/accountant (salary $6,934) • Veterans Service Officer ($20hr part-time $14,000) • Tax/Retirement(10.65% $8,000) $64,934 2 Rent • $600 month $4,800 3 Total $69,734 Veterans relief fund-training, promotion # Topic Description Amount 1 Training/Events • Training • Event equipment $15,000 2 Event Supplies • Merchandise, Food $1,000 3 Exposure • Advertisement/ Promotion $4,266 4 Total $20,266 SCHEDULE B: TIMELINE Note: The desired timeline is dependent on the ability of facilitators and the availability of resources. Material for training might be limited due to a lack of supply. Time Benchmarks Month 1 • Provide Peer mental health counseling • Provide 10 veteran services per active provider • Building capacity within our community • Start a coalition for veteran resource collaboration Month 2 • Provide Peer mental health counseling • Provide 10 veteran services per active provider • Building capacity within our community Month 3 • Provide Peer mental health counseling • Provide 10 veteran services per active provider • Building capacity within our community • Schedule Peer Counseling training Month 4 • Mental Health training • Provide Peer mental health counseling • Provide 10 veteran services per active provider • Building capacity within our community • Host/Schedule Warriors breaking bread Month 5 • Provide peer mental health counseling • Provide 10 veteran services per active provider • Homelessness collaboration with the community • Host/Schedule Coalition meeting Month 6 • Mental Health training • Provide Peer mental health counseling • Provide 10 veteran services per active provider • Building capacity within our community • Resource collaboration with additional veteran programs. SCHEDULE C: SHORT TERM & LONG-TERM PLAN The establishment of a network of resources that can be used in conjunction with the mental health services and benefits navigation. The coalition of resources in our community will be used as a referral source for the specific needs of the veteran community. The collaboration of services will prevent duplication of services and strengthen limited resources. Locating providers of veterans’ services in rural areas and connecting the network of services together. Providers can receive knowledge on best practices and additional information on benefits for veteran services. Certified Peer Counseling can be provided to our community to teach essential skills for providing mental health care. This training will be provided as frequently as funding is provided. Using a Spoke and Wheel model this process can expand throughout the county and to other locations that are in need of services. The barrier of services is low and allows for duplication of structure at a low cost allowing for vitally needed services. Sustainability is going to be achieved through reimbursement through services. Partnership with larger providers will make it possible to cover the cost of Month 7 • Provide Peer mental health counseling • Provide 10 veteran services per active provider • Building capacity within our community • Host/schedule Veterans resource event Month 8 • Mental Health training • Provide Peer mental health counseling • Provide 10 veteran services per active provider • Building capacity within our community payroll. Limitations of services could be navigated by sub-contracting through a larger partnership through multiple providers.