2023-05-08 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up May 8, 2023 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim County Manager Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Mindy Brooks, Meja Handlen, Amber Smith, Ross McDowell, Josh Metcalf, Rudy Rodriguez, Eric Eisenberg, Graham Gowing, Matt Jaeger, Wes Rethrill, Doug Carey, Heidi Palmer, David Bailey, Barbara Russell, Robert Bradley Guest(s): Chip Duncan, Jesse Lloyd, Holly Renner, George Dodd Recorder: Tammy Martin Public comment: None Agenda change: Commissioner Brummer made a motion to add to the May 8, 2023, Business Meeting the following two resolutions: • Resolution 23-151: Ratify an agreement with OpenGov Inc. for procurement software services. • Resolution 23-152: Reappoint Josh Heinricher to the Fair Advisory Board. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 3-0. North Lewis County Industrial Access (NLCIA) funding request: Public Works Director Josh Metcalf said he is working on a timeline with Economic Alliance. Josh said the current plan is for the Economic Alliance to hire a consultant. Commissioner Pollock questioned the amount allocated for the consultant fees. Veterans Journey Forward funding request: Heidi Palmer said the Veterans Advisory Board had a meeting last week to discuss contracts. The Veterans Advisory Board agreed to no longer support the Veterans Journey Forward program, but have agreed to support a Veterans Service Officer (VSO). This individual would work 30 hours a week. Heidi said April invoices and possibly some of May’s invoices will be covered with the remaining funds available from the Veterans Journey Forward program. Meja said additional financial support will be needed to fund the VSO. Meja said depending on how the VSO is hired, the Veterans Relief Fund can be utilized to pay for the position. Commissioner Brummer feels the VSO should be initiated by the Veterans Journey Forward program and paid from the Veterans Relief Fund. Chip Duncan agreed to create a proposal for the VSO and present it at the next Wrap-Up. Opioid funding request regarding Narcan: Ross McDowell said Narcan training is part of Lewis County’s first aid training. Commissioner Pollock feels this should be a requirement of the Blake v. Washington decision. She feels it is important to reach out to the representatives with a letter of support. Meja said six people at PHSS have been certified for Narcan training and feels this would be valuable training for Parks & Rec and Fair staff. Commissioner Pollock feels this would be valuable training for all County employees. Planning Commission weekly update: Mindy Brooks said there is a population evaluation hearing May 9, Sept 26 to discuss the scope of network. Letter regarding agreements with Mossyrock and Morton for District Court services: Commissioner Brummer would like to finalize the letter to Mossyrock and Morton to discontinue District Court services. Fire Commissioners’ meeting (6 p.m. May 15 in Salkum): Commissioner Brummer and Commissioner Pollock will be in attendance. Commissioner Brummer asked for a special meeting notice since it will be a quorum meeting. Executive session topics: At 9:43 a.m., Commissioner Swope announced that the Board would be going into executive session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 10 minutes to discuss two topics: Hardel Mutual Plywood v. Lewis County and Winlock annexation. Executive session started at 9:44 a.m. At 9:54, the Board extended executive session for 10 minutes. Executive session ended at 10:04 a.m. Commissioner Brummer noted that no decisions had been made. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to authorize Steve Wohld to update Commissioner Swope about the conversation held during executive session. Correspondence: Commissioner Pollock and Commissioner Brummer would like to forward on the citizen concern received May 4th. Commissioner Pollock recommended providing the constituent with the proper contact information Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families. Minute correction: Commissioner Pollock made a motion to correct April 19, 2023, Auditor / Treasurer Update minutes to fix scrivener’s errors. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Announcements / new business: The Board expressed interest in signing the letter of support for TransAlta’s Tono Solar Project. This project will transform the former coal mine site into a new source of clean and renewable energy. Meja said the rodeo roundup at the fairgrounds will be May 13 and 14. Amber Smith said the Sound of Music will be at Centralia College May 12-14. Meeting ended 10:10 a.m.