2023-05-10 Directors' UpdateDirectors’ Update May 10, 2023 9:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim County Manager Steve Wohld, Chris Sweet, Josh Metcalf, Charles Edmonson, Erika Katt, Ross McDowell, Doug Carey, Shelly Stewart, Arny Davis, Justia Madrigal, Meja Handlen, John Abplanalp, Eric Eisenberg, Alex Murray, Amber Smith, Lee Napier, David Bailey, Violet Barboza, Rudy Rodriguez, Mindy Brooks, Wes Rethwill, Ross Nielson, Sarah Hensley, Daleyn Coleman, BJ Kuykendall, Graham Gowing Guest(s): Brian Thompson from the Lewis County Noxious Weed Board, Mary Fee from the Washington State Noxious Weed Board, Isabel Vander Stoep, members of the public Recorder: Tammy Martin Public comment: None. Wednesday Workshop item: Charles Edmonson discussed the history behind the noxious weed control assessment. Charles feels the way the assessment is currently assessed needs revisited. Mary Fee from the Washington State Noxious Weed Board said the fee is charged based on RCW 1710.240. Mary said that on the tax rolls in other counties, software can be programmed to charge per acre vs per parcel. Ross Nielson said this would create infinite more work for his office requiring more FTEs to accomplish processing of the per-acre fee. Arny Davis said his office is vetting software that may accommodate different ways to charge the assessment. Directors’ Update agenda: Charles Edmonson discussed a resolution for an interagency agreement between the Washington State Department of Agriculture and Lewis County Noxious Weed Control Board to provide funding for a project to educate, survey, and provide supplies for the control of purple loosestrife. Chris Sweet discussed a resolution to accept an interlocal agreement between the Lewis County Sheriff's Office/County and Mason County Sheriff's Office for use of jail facilities during emergent situations. Justia Madrigal discussed a resolution to approve a consolidated homeless grant (CHG) Contract #22- 46108-18 Amendment D between the Washington State Department of Commerce (DOC) and Lewis County. Justia said this is a reduction of the original allocation. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve Amendment No. 3 to the Rural Arterial Program Project Agreement for Construction Proposal between Lewis County and the County Road Administration Board for the Centralia Alpha Road Improvements project – CRP 2084. This will increase the contract budget due to unallocated items. Josh discussed a resolution to approve a Rural Arterial Program Project Agreement for Project Proposal between Lewis County and the County Road Administration Board for the Barnes Drive Paving project - CRP 2201. Commissioner Pollock asked to check with the CRAB board for the matching funds needed for the project. Josh discussed a resolution to approve the proposed vacation of undeveloped Washington Street, north of Horsley Avenue, in Centralia. Josh discussed a resolution to approve the proposed vacation of an undeveloped right of way between Haynes Avenue North and Cowlitz Avenue North in Packwood. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to move two consent items and seven deliberation items to the Tuesday, May 16, 2023, BOCC Business Meeting agenda. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Roundtable: Steve Wohld said Nic Scott is now a certified FEMA PIO Officer. Amber Smith said an employee handbook update session will be held in the Lower Level Meeting room. Josh Metcalf said chip sealing will begin next week as long as the weather continues to cooperate. Josh said there are 120 miles of chip sealing this year and fish passage projects are the priority for Public Works. Josh said Airport Road is a large project and will need to be outsourced for completion. BJ Kuykendall said Parks & Rec is looking to hire seasonal workers. Erika Katt said the weather is supposed to be very warm. She encouraged those that will be near water to be aware that waterways are still cold and that individuals should use life vests where applicable. Ross McDowell said his office is looking for an Emergency Management Coordinator. Ross said there are several openings for CPR classes. Alex Murray said the sale of the masonic building is in progress. Charles Edmonson had a successful Earth Day event. He said his office is focusing on poisonous hemlock. Ross Nielson said his office is analyzing software equipment. Announcements: None. New business: None. Wednesday Workshop: Erika Katt presented a slide about Public Health partnering with Emergency Management by utilizing Lewis County’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CMP) plan. Meja Handlen said there will be an ask for an emergency preparedness position. There is a grant available to fund the position as of July 1, 2023. Commissioner Swope wanted to ensure there were funds available from grants to completely fund the unfreezing of this position so there wouldn’t be a burden on the general fund to absorb the position. Commissioner Swope said the letter for opioid funding should focus on the funding ask for Narcan, but did agree to sign the letter of support. Amber Smith said HR/Risk has drafted a flag policy. This would address the national, state and POW flags. There is also a discretionary clause for special flag use. All three Commissioners disagreed with the discretionary use and have asked to strike that statement. Commissioner Swope said he will be out of office May 11-21. Commissioner Brummer said there will be a CUC meeting May 11. Meeting adjourned at 10:52 a.m.