2023-05-17 Auditor Treasurer UpdateAuditor / Treasurer Update May 17, 2023 10:39 a.m. Present: Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim County Manager Steve Wohld, NIc Scott, Rodney Reynolds, Tom Stanton, Graham Gowing, Larry Grove, Becky Butler Guest(s): Recorder: Tammy Martin Public Comment: None Larry Grove was in attendance after being on leave of absence. Larry said he was in on a limited basis. Rodney Reynolds said the County’s investment pool had $1.6 million. Rodney said the pool also has $71 million in long term investments. Rodney said the current expense is down because the property tax deadline had a later deadline. Rodney said current revenues for the year is up 13%. Rodney said sales and use tax is up 1.6% and lodging tax collections are down 2.8% compared to April of 2022. Graham Gowing said there is nothing outstanding to report. He said departments are operating within budget and asked how the Commissioners would like to receive reports. The Commissioners feel it is beneficial to have the breakouts. Graham said reporting is due on or before 11:59 p.m. May 31, 2023. Graham informed the Board about the reinstatement of the long-term care requirement. Employees that provided the necessary opt-out paperwork during the original enrollment period will remain exempt. Graham said Becky Butler will have basic MUNIS training classes. Tom Stanton said it is currently candidate filing week. Tom said there has been a slow start to the candidate filing. Tom said if the power goes out, the office will still be able to operate with the use of a generator. Tom said the record requests are winding down. He does expect an increase after the elections conference. Larry said he is grateful for the support the Auditor’s Office has received during his absence. Meeting ended 11:07 a.m.