2023-06-12 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update June 12, 2023 11:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim County Manager Steve Wohld, Chris Sweet, Wes Rethwill, Chris Tawes, Linda Mastin, Violet Barboza, Graham Gowing, Grace Jimenez, Mindy Brooks, Matt Jaeger, Doug Carey, Daleyn Coleman Guest(s): Recorder: Tammy Martin Matt Jaeger said there has been an emergent issue with the jail intercom system. There was an emergency that caused the control tower to shut down. Parts have had to be outsourced and have been very hard to come by. Matt is asking for an emergency procurement to replace the intercom system. The original RFP would require a change order and Steve Wohld. The current system is over 20 years old, and the original vendor is no longer in business. This would allow for a November completion date. The funding would be either the Jail bond fund or 1/10th sales tax fund. Steve Wohld preferred the use of the Jail bond fund. Allowing for an emergency change order, Grace said an emergency declaration will need to be issued using RCW 39.04.280. This is to be added to the June 13, 2023, BOCC Business Meeting agenda as an emergency resolution. Amber Smith said the Actuary study will partner with the group Milliman. This study will include a cost allocation for future rates. Steve said Kresky Avenue improvements were discussed under “shelter permitting” during the executive session during the Wrap-Up exec session and didn’t need more discussion. Steve said the contract for the Fairgrounds Park water project has been awarded with ARPA funds and a resolution will be presented shortly. Steve Said the Fairgrounds have finished the swine barns and there is new 4-H office. He said top coating for the campground has started and that he is looking forward to a mid-June opening. The Board chose to withdraw the Commissioners’ mileage stipend request. Steve said as of today, the Commissioners would no longer receive cell phone stipends. Steve said the Commissioners could be provided a county issued cell phone if they wanted. Commissioner Pollock had concerns about a MUNIS approval. There was an invoice in the amount of $30,000 that has questions from the Commissioners, and they would like to address this at the next supervisor meeting. Steve said letters of no objection to dis-interment have been issued and this is to move a Civil War veteran to be placed in his hometown. There will be a procession and media coverage. Steve is still trying to encourage the transfer of Mountain View Cemetery and has been working with David Baily and Arny Davis. Steve said Prothman has asked to schedule an exec session update to review finalists for the County Manager position on June 21st. Meeting adjourned 11:50 a.m.