2023-06-14 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update
June 14, 2023
9 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim County Manager
Steve Wohld, Becky Butler, Lee Napier, Mat Dillin, Josh Metcalf, Amber Smith, Scot Tinney, BJ
Kuykendall, Nic Scot, Heidi Palmer, Violet Barboza, Casey Mauermann, Graham Gowing, Mindy Brooks,
Meja Handlen, Marni Larson, Sara Heinricher, Sherri Dokken, Richard DeBolt, Todd Chaput, Chip Duncan,
Jesse Lloyd, Erik Mar�n, Tammy Mar�n, Daleyn Coleman (9:22 a.m.)
Guest(s): Paty Howard
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Public comment: None.
Commissioner Brummer made a mo�on to add the following items to the agenda:
• County Manager selec�on process
• Administra�ve Office of the Courts (AOC) agreement
• Timberland Regional Library / Amanda Park
Commissioner Pollock seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0.
Heidi Palmer, Chip Duncan and Jesse Lloyd discussed a resolu�on to approve Contract #V02-0195-23
between the Veterans Memorial Museum and Lewis County. Heidi said the agreement will provide up to
$66,880 to provide a Veterans Service Officer.
Lee Napier discussed a resolu�on to approve a Thirteenth Supplement Agreement between SBGH
Partners, LLC and Lewis County.
Scot Tinney discussed a resolu�on to approve a reimbursement agreement with the Administra�ve
Office of the Courts for extraordinary costs in responding to State v. Blake on the state's behalf.
Steve Wohld said he is holding for a week the resolu�on to award the contract for the Fairgrounds Park
Water System Rehabilita�on Project.
Commissioner Pollock made a mo�on to move two consent items and three delibera�on items –
excluding the park water system resolu�on – to the Tuesday, June 20, 2023, BOCC Business Mee�ng
agenda. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0.
Wednesday Workshop
Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District (CRBFCZD) updates: Mat Dillin and Erik Mar�n
provided informa�on regarding CRBFCZD contracts.
Economic Alliance Water Reten�on Project Public Informa�on Project discussion: The commissioners
discussed a $75,000 .09 contract regarding the water reten�on project. Richard DeBolt said EA is working
as a pass-through for the project. Richard noted that HDR and the county cannot advocate for the water
reten�on facility.
Rieva Lester said she had erred and that the late item being added to the agenda was supposed to be
OAC (opioid li�ga�on), not AOC.
Commissioner Brummer made a mo�on to add opioid li�ga�on to the agenda. Commissioner Pollock
seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0.
Lewis County flag policy: Commissioner Pollock made a mo�on to add to the June 20 Business Mee�ng
the flag policy. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0.
Timberland Regional Library / Amanda Park: The commissioners directed staff to dra� a leter opposing
the Timberland Regional Library’s plan to close the Amanda Park library.
County Manager selec�on process: Steve Wohld said the commissioners will meet with Prothman the
following week to review applicants and discuss the process for selec�ng the next County Manager.
County staff provided office and department updates.
Opioid li�ga�on: At 9:52 a.m., Commissioner Swope announced that the Board would be going into
execu�ve session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 5 minutes to discuss opioid li�ga�on.
Execu�ve session started at 9:53 a.m.
Execu�ve session ended at 9:58 a.m. Commissioner Swope noted that no decisions had been made.
Commissioner Brummer made a mo�on to authorize the Prosecu�ng Atorney’s Office or the Interim
County Manager to execute the Regional Agreement of the Cascade Pacific Ac�on Alliance Region
Par�cipa�ng Local Governments, as discussed in execu�ve session, with a provision that if there are
any minor changes to the sub-OACs, the authoriza�on s�ll stands. Commissioner Pollock seconded.
Mo�on passed 3-0.
The commissioners further discussed the County Manager selec�on process. They requested the
applica�ons in advance of their mee�ng with Prothman.
Correspondence: Commissioner Pollock discussed a Pride event planned for the following weekend.
Mee�ng adjourned at 10:11 a.m.