2023-06-05 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up June 5, 2023 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim County Manager Steve Wohld, Mindy Brooks, Amber Smith, Nic Scot, Meja Handlen, Mat Jaeger, Brian Warren, David Bailey, Doug Carey, Violet Barboza, Tom Stanton, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Kate Chaterton, Tammy Mar�n, Jonathan Meyer, Jonathan Meyer Guest(s): Paty Howard, Morgan Sohl, unnamed guests Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Timberland Regional Library (TRL) Board of Trustees vacancy: The commissioners directed staff to dra� a resolu�on to appoint Brian Mitge to the posi�on. 911 governance atorney: Commissioner Brummer said he met with Jonathan Meyer regarding representa�on for the poten�al change of governance. He said Jonathan indicated the PA’s Office wants to fill the role. Code enforcement: Meja Handlen said the Swigert Road case has been handed to the Sheriff’s Office. She and Brian Warren provided an update on Rose Marie Drive. Brian said the owner of Swigert Road con�nues to perform work on his property. Undersheriff Wes Rethwill said there are conversa�ons taking place regarding the poten�al seizure of equipment on the Swigert Road property. Josh Metcalf discussed the work that would have to take place to seize the equipment. Josh said the Department of Ecology visited the site in May but didn’t issue any cita�ons. David Bailey said the PA’s Office is planning to file for a contempt hearing. Commissioner Brummer directed staff to seize the equipment from the property or disable the equipment. Mindy Brooks said a group is working on a new code enforcement ordinance to create regula�ons about RV stays. Flag policy: Amber Smith said she has updated the flag policy. Email policy: Amber said she has provided three versions of an email policy, one that prohibits pronouns, one that requires pronouns and a third that makes pronouns op�onal. Commissioner Swope said he wants an email policy that prohibits pronouns. Commissioner Pollock said she would like pronouns to be op�onal. Commissioner Brummer said he would like to make pronouns op�onal. Minute folders: Commissioner Brummer made a mo�on to approve minute folders for the weeks of April 24 and May 1, 2023, Commissioner Pollock seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0. Correspondence: The commissioners discussed emails they received from landowners neighboring the Good Quarry. The commissioners said they understand that the mining company operated outside its approved �meframe and required no�fica�on. Announcements / new business: None. Mee�ng adjourned at 9:44 a.m.