2023-06-07 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update June 7, 2023 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim County Manager Steve Wohld , Mindy Brooks, Lee Napier, Josh Metcalf, Doug Carey, BJ Kuykendall, Nic Scot, Mat Jaeger, Becky Butler, Alex Murray, Jenn Libby-Jones, John Abplanalp, Ross McDowell, Kate Chaterton, Eric Eisenberg, Gary Fredricks, Graham Gowing, Sherri Dokken, Tom Stanton, Meja Handlen, Violet Barboza, Gary Fredricks, Tammy Mar�n Guest(s): Brandon Svenson, Isabel Vander Stoep (some�me around 9:45 a.m.), uniden�fied guests Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Alex Murray discussed a call for bids for electrical materials and equipment Ligh�ng Package. Doug Carey discussed a call for bids for the Rainier Block Site Improvement Project. Alex Murray discussed a resolu�on to award the contract for the Community Development Floor Grind and Polish project. Meja Handlen discussed a resolu�on to approve Consolidated Contract #CLH31017 Amendment #12 with Washington State Department of Health (DOH). Josh Metcalf discussed a resolu�on to list the bids received and contractor selected for the 2021 County Safety Program, F.A. Project No. HSIP 000S(610), 10-2196. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolu�on to list the bids received and contractor selected for the Kruger Road MP 1.20 Culvert Replacement Project, 15-1904. Amber Smith discussed a resolu�on to establish an email signature policy. Commissioner Swope said he feels including pronouns in signatures is divisive. Commissioner Pollock and Commissioner Brummer said they’d rather allow employees to include pronouns should they choose to do so. The commissioners opted to strike the proposed policy. The group discussed a resolu�on to establish a flag policy. Staff asked if the flag policy would apply to employees’ personal spaces to restrict school flags, sports flags, etc., and whether the policy would restrict what’s allowed in employees’ office spaces. The commissioners discussed having the proposed flag policy apply only to public displays, such as the county ’s flag poles. The commissioners said they would revisit the topic June 12. Rieva Lester discussed a resolu�on to appoint Brian Mitge to the Timberland Regional Library Board of Trustees. Mindy Brooks discussed a hearing to adopt Ordinance 1346, the 2045 popula�on and housing alloca�ons. Commissioner Pollock made a mo�on to move two no�ce items, two no�ce items, five delibera�on items – excluding the flag policy and email signature policy – and one hearing to the Tuesday, June 13, 2023, BOCC Business Mee�ng agenda. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0. Announcements Becky Butler discussed a recent call for internal service rates. Josh Metcalf provided updates on Public Works projects. Josh noted that the county has to work on its Motor Pool li�s for L and I compliance. BJ Kuykendall discussed planned Fair entertainment, including the Army Brass Band and the Demoli�on Derby. BJ discussed the need for addi�onal crowd control. Mat Jaeger discussed the rollout of mul�-factor authen�ca�on, 10-digit dialing and Microso� 365. Ross McDowell provided an update on the Iron Creek fire. Eric Eisenberg provided an update on his kick-off mee�ng with the groups working on the shelter and his work on rural housing. Wednesday Workshop Opioid li�ga�on setlement: Becky Butler, Ross McDowell and Meja Handlen discussed using opioid setlement funds to purchase Narcan for law enforcement and other governmental en��es that would have to pay for Narcan. Meja discussed the track-and-trace requirements for Narcan. Commissioner Brummer made a mo�on to authorize up to $55,000 in opioid li�ga�on setlement funds for the purchase of Narcan for county use by internal departments. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0. At 10:21 a.m., Commissioner Swope announced the board was taking a 3-minute break. The mee�ng resumed at 10:26 a.m. Ordinance 1346 - 2045 Popula�on and Housing Alloca�ons: Mindy Brooks provided an overview of proposed Ordinance 1346. The group noted that Morton and Mossyrock are out of compliance with the Growth Management Act and are working on ge�ng into compliance with the last round rather than focusing on the newest requirements. Lee Napier noted that the nine ci�es and one town have been invited to pool their efforts to work on compliance. Announcements: Becky said Treasurer Arny Davis has indicated the Treasurer’s Office and Assessor’s Office would like travel budget to visit loca�ons that use Tyler Technology’s tax so�ware. Mee�ng adjourned at 11:09 a.m.