2023-06-20 Memo re PW snacks overage.Internal Services To: BOCC From: Steve Wohld Date: June 15, 2023 Subject: Public Works Ribbon Cutting Refreshments 351 NW North Street Chehalis WA 98532 360.740.3349 R(mrd of Cm mty Cb r,, liras C...Ounty lyashinnton oUU r i,Wi tlo,`l. For the Public Works ribbon cutting event on Monday, May 22nd, 2023, the amount of $113.82 was spent on light refreshments. The leftover coffee and cookies were given to Public Works, BOCC, Facilities and IS. The amount spent was over the $100.00 light refreshments per 8.5.3 in the Employee Handbook. 8.5.3 Light Refreshments "Light refreshments are defined as "beverages and snacks that may be served between meals, for example: coffee, tea, juice, donuts, sweet rolls, cake, cookies, and pieces of fruit or cheese." Light refreshments may be provided at County expense for business meetings and formal training sessions. The BOCC will authorize department directors to approve the purchase of light refreshments up to one hundred dollars ($100.00)." I am asking the BOCC to authorize the total expenditure per 8.5.3. Sincerel Steve Wohld Chief of Internal Services Human Resources, Risk Management, Public Disclosures, Steve WON Information Technology Services, Facilities and Maintenance, Chief of Internal Services Capital Projects, Parks, Public Defense Coordination, Campgrounds Chief Information Officer Southwest Washington Fairgrounds, and Events