2023-06-26 Auditor Treasurer UpdateAuditor / Treasurer Update June 26, 2023 10:32 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Arny Davis, Rodney Reynolds, Graham Gowing, Larry Grove, Grace Jimenez, Nic Scott, Becky Butler, Meja Handlen Guest(s): None Recorder: Tammy Martin Rodney Reynolds said the LGIP had a $65 million stake in the investment pool, the remaining was school and fire district investments. Rodney said current expense cash is down from 2022, but over collections from 2021. Rodney said the interest earned on investments for the year is up considerably year-to-date. Rodney said the goal is to stay ahead of the LGIP. Rodney said current expense has collected $18.2 million year-to-date. He said funds outside of current expense are also up. Rodney said Sales and Use tax is up 2.2% and lodging tax has seen a decrease of 4.2% compared to 2022. Arny Davis said he attended the recent WSAC conference and that WSAC predicts inflation will neutralize toward the end of 2023. Arny said a recession is predicted to begin in 2024. Grace Jimenez presented the expense reports. Grace said the general operations funds is low because debt service funds payments are paid out in June. Grace said the procurement policy needs updating to include Director Authority, written contracts, and change orders. The current policy was adopted in 2016. Grace said having clear language will simplify processes. Commissioner Swope suggested continuing to reach out to Directors for input for Director Authority. Grace said there currently isn’t a written contract policy. Commissioner Brummer and Commissioner Pollock suggested having some form of direction in place. Commissioner Swope suggested having an interim policy as well as a County Manager policy. Larry said this doesn’t include electeds and would suggest having those incorporated in the direction. Grace said the 2022 financial audit has begun and will ramp up documentation requirements in the next week. Grace said she feels more comfortable navigating the process and feels she has good partnership from the State Auditor’s Office (SAO). Larry Grove said 446 ballots were mailed June 6, and approximately 35,000 ballots will be mailed July 12. Larry said the ballot box located at the Star Bakery needs to be relocated, but the goal is to keep it near its original location. Becky said there will be future budget requests for tax software. Meeting adjourned 11:27 a.m.