2023-07-05 Directors' UpdateDirectors’ Update July 5, 2023 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Mindy Brooks, Lee Napier, Amber Smith, Daleyn Coleman, Alex Murray, Nic Scot, Geoff Soderquist, Eric Eisenberg, Coleman Rogers, Jus�a Madrigal, John Abplanalp, Grace Jimenez, Tammy Mar�n, Casey Mauermann, Graham Gowing, Meja Handlen, Sarah Hensley, Sherri Dokken, Interim County Manager Steve Wohld, Rudy Rodriguez, BJ Kuykendall, Linda Mas�n Guest(s): Paty Howard, two unnamed guests Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Rieva Lester discussed a no�ce for Lewis County 2023 budget emergency and supplemental appropria�ons to and transfers within current expense and various funds. Geoff Soderquist discussed a resolu�on to list the bids received and contractor selected for the Pigeon Springs Road HMA Project, CRP 2200C. Jus�a Madrigal discussed a resolu�on to approve Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) Contract #24- 46108-18 between the Washington State Department of Commerce Housing Division Homelessness Assistance Unit (HAU) and Lewis County. Eric Eisenberg discussed a resolu�on to dispense with adver�sement and compe��ve bidding for a Very Small-Scale Public Works Project, per RCW 36.32.250. Daleyn Coleman discussed a resolu�on to amend Sec�on 30 of the Lewis County Employee Handbook. Lee Napier discussed a resolu�on to provide preliminary approval of the Rich Masters Subdivision located within the Centralia Urban Growth Area (UGA). The commissioners said they would like to touch base with Centralia regarding some ques�ons they have about the project. Mindy Brooks discussed a resolu�on to authorize applica�on for the Rural and Tribal Assistance Grant from the US Department of Transporta�on and assign the Director of Community Development as the Authorized Representa�ve. Rieva Lester discussed a resolu�on to update procedures for Distressed Coun�es Fund / Rural Economic Development Public Facili�es Advisory Commitee. The commissioners said they will revisit the topic on July 10. Commissioner Brummer made a mo�on to move one no�ce item, two consent items and five delibera�on items (excluding the Rich Masters Subdivision and .09 Policy resolu�ons) to the Tuesday, July 11, 2023, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0. Announcements Mindy Brooks discussed a recent Chronicle ar�cle regarding short-term rentals and mul�-family housing policies being considered in the Packwood area. Wednesday Workshop Safety Officer posi�on and HR/Risk reorganiza�on: Amber Smith said she is seeking an addi�onal $10,098 to cover an addi�onal posi�on within HR / Risk to reabsorb the safety officer posi�on. She said she would freeze the claims administrator posi�on and unfreeze the safety officer and risk specialist posi�ons. Amber said the change would take place effec�ve Jan. 1, 2024. OPD grant funding or rates. The commissioners said they would revisit the request July 10. Request for reclassifica�on of Emergency Preparedness Coordinator posi�on: John Abplanalp requested permission to reclassify the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator posi�on from a 121 to a 124. John said 60 percent of the posi�on is covered by grant funding. Mee�ng adjourned at 10:16 a.m.