2023-07-11 Directors' UpdateDirectors’ Update July 11, 2023 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim County Manager Steve Wohld , Jenn Libby-Jones, Lee Napier, Josh Metcalf, Becky Butler, Meja Handlen, Daleyn Coleman, Amber Smith, Mat Jaeger, Eric Eisenberg, David Bailey, Doug Carey, Violet Barboza, Nic Scot, Alex Murray, Heidi Palmer, Mindy Brooks, Todd Chaput, Tammy Mar�n, Kate Chaterton, Mike Southwick, Sara Sons, Rudy Rodriguez, Casey Mauermann, Laurie Lebowsky-Young, Richard Warren Guest(s): Paty Howard, Lisa Striedinger-Hubbard, several unnamed guests Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Commissioner Pollock made a mo�on to amend the Directors’ Update agenda to include and execu�ve session discussion regarding eminent domain li�ga�on. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0. Alex Murray discussed a resolu�on to authorize the Facili�es Administrator to execute a five-year lease agreement with Quadient for a new federally compliant mail service machine. Jenn Libby-Jones discussed a resolu�on to submit an authorizing proposi�on to the voters of Lewis County to fix and impose a Sales and Use tax of two-tenths of 1 percent pursuant to RCW 82.14.420 to be used solely for the purpose of providing funds for costs associated with the opera�ons of 911 emergency communica�ons systems and facili�es. The commissioners said they would like to delay the resolu�on. Meja Handlen and Sara Sons discussed a resolu�on to approve Agreement #2363-48919 between the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), Developmental Disabili�es Administra�on (DDA) and Lewis County. Heidi Palmer discussed a resolu�on to appoint Gregory Lassila as a regular member of the Veterans’ Advisory Board (VAB). Becky Butler discussed a resolu�on to elect to receive Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determina�on Funding and Alloca�on of Title II and Title III Funds for the Federal fiscal year 2023 for 2024 payments. Rieva Lester discussed a resolu�on to update procedures for Distressed Coun�es Fund / Rural Economic Development Public Facili�es Advisory Commitee. Commissioner Brummer made a mo�on to move two consent items and five delibera�on items (excluding the 911 sales and use tax) to the Tuesday, July 18, 2023, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0. Tuesday Workshop / Announcements / Roundtable Washington Department of Transporta�on (WSDOT) project update: Laurie Lebowsky-Young, Richard Warren and Tony Lund provided an update on the Harrison Avenue / Reynolds Road improvement project as well as updates on the various models being considered. Commissioner Pollock and Commissioner Brummer expressed concern that the proposed changes don’t do enough to address future needs. Timberland Regional Library leter: Commissioner Brummer made a mo�on to sign the leter to the Timberland Regional Library Board of Trustees. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0. Eric Eisenberg said the Department of Commerce has reconsidered its funding for the county’s provide Drug Court house and will now provide funding as a grant instead of a loan. Eminent domain li�ga�on, Lord property: At 12:06 p.m., Commissioner Swope announced that the Board would be going into execu�ve session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) un�l 12:11 p.m. to discuss Eminent domain li�ga�on regarding the Lord property. • At 12:11 p.m., Commissioner Swope extended execu�ve session un�l 12:13 p.m. Execu�ve session ended at 12:13 p.m. Commissioner Swope noted that no decisions had been made. Commissioner Brummer made a mo�on to approve the setlement of the eminent domain li�ga�on with the Lords and to authorize the Public Works Director to sign on behalf of the county. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0. Mee�ng ended at 12:15 p.m.