2023.07.11_NLCIATS_Briefing 2_Lewis County_FinalLaurie Lebowsky-Young, WSDOT Richard Warren, WSDOT July 11, 2023 North Lewis County Industrial Access Transportation Study Lewis County Commissioners Briefing #2 •Legislative proviso •Purpose, need, and goals •Public outreach •Potential improvements •Evaluation and traffic modeling •Recommendations •Next steps 2 Overview Legislative Proviso Objective: •Improve access to the industrially-zoned properties in North Lewis County Purpose and Need: •The study will address the current conflicts between freight traffic and local road users of all modes Goals: •Improve safety •Take a holistic view of transportation in North Lewis County •Identify short-and long-term solutions for improved traffic and multimodal operations 3 Proviso, Purpose and Need How did we obtain input? •Four stakeholder meetings between Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 •Online open house in March 2023 •Attended Harrison / Reynolds Improvements Project open house on April 20 •Online public survey from May 31 –June 14 4 Public and Stakeholder Engagement 5 Public Survey Results (280 responses) Potential Improvements •Traffic flow improvements on Harrison Ave •Local road network improvements •Bike & pedestrian improvements •New I-5 Interchange 7 Improvements Overview Traffic Flow Improvements to Harrison Ave 8 Improvements or Modifications •Consolidate driveways where possible •Make some driveways right-in/right-out •Install adaptive signals •Install center curb median Estimated Cost –Rounded ($2023) •$1,200,000 total –$940,000 for adaptive signals –$260,000 for access consolidation Draft Local Road Network Improvements 9 Draft Improvement •Connect Blair Rd and Hobson Rd Estimated Cost –Rounded ($2023) •$165,000,000 Local Road Network Improvements 10 Draft Improvement •Extend Gallagher Rd north to Harrison Ave Traffic Changes •Modest increase on Gallagher Rd •Decrease on Sandra Ave Estimated Cost –Rounded ($2023) •$20,000,000 Local Road Network Improvements- Westside Connector 11 Draft Improvements •New bridge over Chehalis River with bike and pedestrian separation •Upgrades to Oakland Ave and Scheuber Rd •Extend N Scheuber Rd to the north Traffic Changes •Decrease traffic volumes on Harrison Ave between Johnson Rd and I-5 interchange Estimated Cost –Rounded ($2023) •$60,000,000 Coordination •Tribal input needed Bike & Pedestrian Improvements 12 Estimated Cost –Rounded ($2023) •$3,300,000 total –$900,000 for pedestrian signals –$1,100,000 for Galvin Rd sidewalks –$1,300,000 for Harrison Ave improvements New I-5 Interchange 13 Improvements •Option 1: 216th Ave (Thurston County) •Option 2: 222nd Ave (Thurston County) •Option 3: Kuper Rd (Lewis County) Coordination •Would require state and federal review and approval Traffic Changes •Decrease in volumes on Harrison Ave near existing interchange •Modest increase in volumes on I-5 between Grand Mound and Harrison interchanges Draft I-5 Interchange Option: Kuper Rd 14 Benefits •Closest location to industrial areas in North Lewis County •Greatest distance between Harrison Ave and R-1 railroad Challenges •Landslide area immediately east of I-5 •Impacts to adjacent industrial properties •Would require clearance with R-4 railroad I-5 Interchange Option: 222nd Ave SW 15 Benefits •Second-closest location to industrial areas in North Lewis County •No industrial property impacts Challenges •Residential property impacts •Steep slopes to the east of I-5 •Would require several new structures •Would require relocating rail line I-5 Interchange Option: 216th Ave SW 16 Benefits •Existing, permitted overcrossing over R-4 railroad and I-5 •No industrial property impacts and minimal impacts to residential properties •Fewest environmental constraints •Most straightforward design Challenges •Furthest from industrial properties in North Lewis County •R-1 railroad 300-ft east of Harrison Ave Estimated Cost –Rounded ($2023) •$100,000,000 Potential Improvements Evaluation 18 Evaluation and Scoring Process •Initial screening based on Purpose and Need –Ruled out potential projects on Lum Road •Traffic pattern changes assessed using Thurston Regional Planning Council model –Analyzed a new I-5 interchange, Westside Connector, and Gallagher Road extension –Assumes Harrison/Reynolds project improvements are in place •Scoring of projects Evaluation Overview Recommendations 20 Carry Forward: •Interchange at 216th Ave •Westside Connector •Access consolidation on Harrison Ave •Adaptive signals on Harrison Ave •Pedestrian signals at key intersections •Address sidewalk gaps on Galvin Rd •Harrison Ave shared-use path •Extend Gallagher Rd to Harrison Ave Do Not Carry Forward: •Interchange at 222nd Ave •Interchange at Kuper Rd •Connect Blair Rd to Hobson Rd Recommendations •July 14: Project team finishes first draft of report •July 17 -August 4:Stakeholder team reviews draft report •August 31:Finalize report Thank you!! 21 Next Steps