2023-07-17 BOCC WorkshopBOCC Workshop July 17, 2023 10:43 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Daleyn Coleman, Amber Smith, Jenn Libby-Jones, Becky Butler, Meja Handlen, Mat Jaeger, Nic Scot, Casey Mauermann, Violet Barboza, Doug Carey Guest(s): Frank Corbin, unnamed guest Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. 911 sales tax: The commissioners discussed the Combined User Commitee’s request for the BOCC to forward to the November ballot a 911 sales tax initiative. Youth Advocacy Center (YAC) contract: Meja Handlen said the county’s contract with YAC, which falls under the Community Ac�on Council. Meja noted that the contract, which goes through September, covers wraparound services for abuse vic�ms. Meja said the contract will iden�fy a specific individual filling the YAC posi�on and that the contract will indicate the county must be involved in filling the vacancy should the individual leave. Security video policy: Commissioner Pollock discussed recent requests for security footage from the courthouse. Amber Smith further discussed the requests, as well as public records requests for video footage. Amber noted that the county’s system purges aging video to make room for new video. Amber discussed the state archive requirements for video footage. She noted there would be costs associated with ge�ng into compliance with the state requirements. Commissioner Pollock noted she requested video footage the Monday a�er a weekend incident occurred and did not receive it. County Manager selec�on process: Daleyn Coleman presented op�ons for the county manager contract. The commissioners directed staff to con�nue nego�a�on efforts. Mee�ng adjourned at 11:29 a.m.