2023-07-31 Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up July 31, 2023 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim County Manager Steve Wohld, Mindy Brooks, Doug Carey, Meja Handlen, John Abplanalp, Daleyn Coleman, Barbara Russell, Becky Butler, Sheriff Snaza, Chief Dusty Breen, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Jonathan Meyer, Eric Eisenberg, Coleman Rogers, Jenn Libby-Jones, Josh Metcalf, Matt Jaeger, Kate Chatterton, Tammy Martin, Rudy Rodriguez Guest(s): Patty Howard, Bill Serrahn, Morgan Sohl, Russell Page, several unnamed guests Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Ordinance 1347: Representatives from the Sherriff’s Office and Prosecuting Attorney’s Office discussed the proposed ordinance. Commissioner Brummer made a motion to add to the Aug. 8, 2023, Business Meeting a notice of hearing for proposed Ordinance 1347, which would prohibit unauthorized camping and parking on county property. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Agenda change: Commissioner Pollock made a motion to amend the agenda to include an executive session discussion regarding potential litigation following issuance of a trespass notice. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Business Meeting: Commissioner Brummer made a motion to add the following to the agenda for the Aug. 1, 2023, Business Meeting a resolution to appoint Ryan Barrett as County Manager. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 3-0. 911 sales tax pro and con committee members: Jenn Libby-Jones suggested the commissioners appoint Eric Sonnenberg serve on the pro committee and Bill Serrahn serve on the con committee for the 911 sales tax. The commissioners said they would like to further discuss the topic Aug. 1. Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update grant application letter of support: The commissioners agreed to sign the letter of support. Foundational Public Health Services (FPHS) position discussion: Meja Handlen discussed her recently granted request to add three grant-funded positions – health promotion coordinator vaccine, health coordinator substance use and health educator communications – at a grade 121. Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) contract with Housing Resource Center (HRC): Meja requested the commissioners select between the following: pursue a 90-day contract with HRC and conduct an RFP for HEN services or issue a one-year contract with HRC and not release an RFP. The commissioners directed staff to pursue the 90-day contract with HRC and issue an RFP for the HEN contract.