2023-08-01 Coroner updateCoroner’s Office Update August 1, 2023 11:32 a.m. Present: Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Warren McLeod, Stephen Wilson, Becky Butler Guest(s): None Recorder: Tammy Martin Public comment: None. Year-to-date cases: Warren McLeod said the Coroner’s Office has responded to 516 deaths year to date, including: • 4 homicides • 14 suicides • 30 accidental deaths • 27 drug-related deaths • 1 undetermined case • 8 pending • 54 autopsies performed year to date Reaccreditation: Warren said the Coroner’s Office passed the accreditation audit in May. This accreditation allows for a reimbursement of transport services and autopsies from Forensic Investigative Council through Washington State. Warren said the Coroner’s Office received grant funding for a new pneumatic lift. The new lift is expected on August 1. Warren said autopsies fees and removal fees are increasing and this will affect the 2024 budget. Becky suggested creating a RFP for a pathologist to consider cost saving measures or to ensure the current contract is the best choice for the budget. Becky also suggested the Board consider using opioid settlement fund for opioid related deaths and to see if this is an eligible expense. Meeting ended at 12:04 p.m.