2023-11-20 Directors Update and Wrap UpBOCC Wrap -Up and Directors’ Update November 20, 2023 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Ryan Barret, Geoff Soderquist, Mindy Brooks, Lee Napier, Becky Butler, Doug Carey, Daleyn Coleman, Rodney Reynolds, Grace Jimenez, Meja Handlen, Coleman Rogers, Graham Gowing, Rudy Rodriguez, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Tammy Mar�n Guest(s): Mitchell Roland, Todd Chaput, Lenee Langdon, Paty Howard, Bill Serrahn, Richard DeBolt Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. DIRECTORS’ UPDATE ITEMS Mindy Brooks discussed a no�ce for Ordinance 1350 to adopt the Packwood Subarea Plan. Grace Jimenez and Rodney Reynolds discussed a resolu�on to establish a new special revenue fund: Treasurer's Investment Pool Maintenance Fund No. 1110. Daleyn Coleman discussed a resolu�on to approve defense and indemnity for Sheriff Robert Snaza, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, and his marital community, if any, and Chief Kevin Engelbertson. Becky Butler discussed a resolu�on to approve an amendment to the agreement with An�quity Consul�ng, LLC for consul�ng services related to the Winlock Broadband Project. Geoff Soderquist discussed a resolu�on to ra�fy a contract supplemental agreement with Aqua Terra Cultural Resource Consultants for On-Call Cultural Resources Services (ACCR-2022). Geoff Soderquist discussed a resolu�on to accept an agreement between Lewis County and Washington State Military Department for the Homeland Security Grant Program contract #E24-137. Lee Napier discussed a resolu�on to approve the Twenty-Sixth Supplement Agreement between West Consultants Inc. and Lewis County, ac�ng as Fiscal Agent for the Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority, and authorize the Director of Community Development to sign on behalf of Lewis County. Lee Napier discussed a resolu�on to approve Amendment No. One (1) Interagency Agreement between Washington State Recrea�on and Conserva�on Office (RCO) and Lewis County, ac�ng as Fiscal Agent for the Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority. Geoff Soderquist discussed a hearing to Adopt the 2024-2029 Six-Year Transporta�on Improvement Program (TIP) and 2024 Annual Construc�on Program (ACP). The commissioners requested Public Works move up the Ceres Hill Road project. David Bailey discussed a hearing for Ordinance 1351: Add Chapter 9.30 Lewis County Code to establish a process by which the county can exclude an individual from county parks and make a viola�on of an exclusion no�ce a misdemeanor. Commissioner Brummer made a mo�on to move one no�ce item, two consent items, seven delibera�on items and two hearings to the Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2023, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0. WRAP-UP TOPICS Jail Control Room Operator: Daleyn Coleman said the Sheriff’s Office has asked for a new job descrip�on for the Jail Control Room Operator casual posi�on. Commissioner Pollock made a mo�on to approve the Jail Control Room Operator casual posi�on job descrip�on. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Mo�on passed 3-0. Lodging Tax Advisory Commitee (LTAC) Alloca�on changes for 2022 on behalf of Economic Alliance: The commissioners agreed to allow Economic Alliance to move $6,000 in 2023 lodging tax funding from opera�ons to personnel / benefits. Second review request from East Lewis County Chamber of Commerce: Tammy Mar�n said the East Lewis County Chamber of Commerce has requested the LTAC volunteers reconsider the chamber’s funding request. Lodging Tax recommenda�ons for 2024: The commissioners reviewed the LTAC members’ alloca�on recommenda�ons for 2024. They provided preliminary approval for all of the recommenda�ons except the following: the recommenda�on to deny funding to the East Lewis County Chamber of Commerce, the recommenda�on to deny funding to Lewis County Facili�es for a roof repair, and the recommenda�on to provide $10,000 to Lewis County to cover administra�on costs. Lodging Tax admin: Becky Butler asked the commissioners to consider alloca�ng more toward administra�on. The commissioners directed staff to dra� a leter to the LTAC members aler�ng them of: 1. The BOCC’s plan to change the amount to be allocated toward administra�ve costs. 2. The BOCC’s request that the LTAC members reconvene to reconsider providing funding for the East Lewis County Chamber of Commerce as well as funding for a museum roof. Economic Alliance: Commissioner Pollock discussed the third-quarter .09 billing and report Economic Alliance submited. The group discussed upda�ng reimbursement requirements to more closely reflect those used for lodging tax reimbursements. Mee�ng ended at 9:49 a.m.