2023-11-21 WSU - Weed updateWSU / Weed Update November 21, 2023 11:34 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Charles Edmonson Guest(s): None Recorder: Tammy Martin Public comment: None Noxious Weed Updates: Charles Edmonson said Valerie Eckloff is interested in serving for Weed District 4. Charles said there is still an opening for Weed District 5. Charles asked for help spreading the word. The Board asked for staff to post for the vacancy announcement for District 5. Charles presented a flier to the Board that had pictures and descriptions of noxious weeds. The noxious weed list will be certified by Washington state in January 2024. Charles said a Board member would like to add Himalayan Blackberry to the noxious list. It is a widespread plant and does provide a food source. Charles said there are three classes focused on knotweed, wild carrot, and poisonous hemlock during December and January. Charles said the Tree of Heaven is on the list of noxious weeds to watch for. The trees produce suckers that are very invasive. Charles said this grant will help with the removal. Charles said approximately 3 tons of tansy ragwort was disposed of. Charles said this amount is down from previous years and would like to advertise more in the future. Commissioner Pollock suggested a competition as encouragement to bring in more tansy ragwort. Charles is working with HR and Payroll to create a 6-month benefits program. Charles said the State Board adopted rules and regulations, but Lewis County does not have a recusal process. Meeting adjourned at 12:03 p.m.