2023-10-02 Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up October 2, 2023 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Ryan Barrett, Steve Wohld, Mindy Brooks, Lee Napier, Meja Handlen, Nic Scott, Becky Butler, Rudy Rodriguez, Heidi Palmer, Eric Eisenberg, Justia Madrigal, Tom Stanton, Sherri Guenther Guest(s): Ruth Gutierrez, Kim Storbeck, Kimberely Stoll-French Recorder: Tammy Martin Public comment: None. Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) contract: Meja presented the evaluation for the request for proposals. The Board asked to go forward with the top scoring group based on the evaluation sheet presented to the Board. Part-time, temporary WIC-registered dietitian position for succession planning: Meja said the current dietician is retiring at the end of 2023 and there is potential for succession planning to this position. This is a grant funded position and would be budget neutral. Application for EPA’s Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA): Eric Eisenberg asked the Board’s permission to apply for the EPA’s Water Technical Assistance program. The goal is to create a water reclamation program for the Port of Chehalis Area on behalf of the City of Chehalis at no cost to Lewis County through a grant program. Commissioner Pollock noted any training would be helpful. Meeting ended at 9:07 a.m.