2023-09-25 County ManagerCounty Manager Update September 25, 2023 10:15 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Ryan Barrett, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Amber Smith, Meja Handlen, Doug Carey, Becky Butler, Nic Scott, David Bailey, Robert Bradley, Eric Eisenberg, Matt Jaeger, Matt Thuston, Alex Murray, Jonathan Meyer, Commissioner Brummer (by phone at 10:34 a.m. during executive session) Guest(s): None Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None Change orders: Doug Carey • Rainier parking lot: Addressing the unsuitable soil increase $135,000 • Sheriff’s substation: Midway will need to enlist the services of a subcontractor, increasing costs by $45,000 Annual fee schedule review: Lee Napier said the commissioners will be asked to review the annual fee schedule in November. Lee said the proposal is to a 25 percent increase to by-square-foot building permits to offset increased costs. Homeless shelter funding: Becky Butler said the commissioners will be asked to consider two resolutions: one to establish a fund for the homeless shelter and another to provide for a loan from the LATCF to provide temporary funding for the project. Doug said the new Community Development building should be ready in February or March, allowing the Community Development current building to be used for the homeless shelter thereafter. Budget planning process: Ryan Barrett said changes to preliminary budget are due Sept. 26. Becky said the preliminary review shows a deficit of $5 million, which doesn’t include the additional $2 million in office and department requests. Becky noted that other counties throughout the state also are facing a bleak budget forecast. Security camera audit: At 10:34 a.m., Commissioner Swope announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) until 10:44 a.m. to discuss the security camera audit. • At 10:44 a.m., Commissioner Swope extended Executive Session until 10:54 a.m. • At 10:54 a.m., Commissioner Swope extended Executive Session until 11 a.m. Executive Session ended at 11 a.m. Commissioner Swope noted that no decisions had been made. Meeting adjourned at 11 a.m.