RFQ for Professional Airport Consultant Services to complete Environmental Assessments for Toledo and Packwood airports RL L+ 1VVA)
Board of County Commissioners
Lewis County Washington
JUL 31 Z024
425211 No.
Affidavit of Publication
The undersigned,on oath states that he is an authorized representative of The Daily Journal of
Commerce,a daily newspaper,which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and it is now
and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to,published in
the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in Seattle.King County,Washington,and it is now
and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of this
newspaper.The Daily Journal of Commerce was on the 12th day of June, 1941,approved as a legal
newspaper by the Superior Court of King County.
The notice in the exact form annexed,was published in regular issues of The Daily Journal of
Commerce,which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period.The annexed
was published on
02/16/24 02/22/24
The amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the su of$1,530 .
":F WASHINGTON Subsc bed sw before e on
;ION EXPIRES 02/22/2024
Ikto p lic r the S of Wa ington,
residing in Seattle
Affidavit of Publication
State of Washington, King County
and archaeological surveys, bio- costs incurred in responding to ect,and issues regarding the iden-
Lewis County logical evaluation or assessment, this RFQ. tified project.Identify any poten-
noise,and air quality studies SUBMITTAL FORMAT tial challenges or special concerns
Environmental •Mitigation The County shall not be ha- that may be encountered.
Assessment The approach, level of effort, ble to any person for any costs 7. References (10 Points):
Submittal Date:February 26 tasks and deliverables will be incurred therewith or in connec- Provide the name and contact
further refined during the scop- tion with costs incurred by any information for at least three(3)
LEWIS COUNTY NOTICE TO ing process. proposer in anticipation of County references familiar with the qual-
CONSULTANTS FOR: Projects in the current 5-year action approving or disapproving ity of work by your firm of a sim-
REQUEST FOR CIP include: any proposed agreement. The ilar nature as contained in the
QUALIFICATIONS(RFQ) •AWOS Siting and Land County may accept or reject any above Scope of Work.
FOR Acquisition Assessment submittal or submittal agreement SUBMITTAL SUBMISSION
PROFESSIONAL AIRPORT •AWOS Design and without limitation.Nothing in the Statement of Qualifications
CONSULTANT SERVICES Construction Submittal or in subsequent nego- must be limited to twenty (20)
FOR ENVIRONMENTAL •Access Road Alignment & tiations creates any vested rights pages (8 1/2" x 11") or ten (10)
Security Perimeter Fencing — in any person. pages front and back, excluding
ASSESSMENT Design Submittal's that do not address the letter of introduction (maxi-
ED CARLSON MEMORIALall items listed in this section will mum two pages or one page front
—SOUTH LEWIS COUNTY 'Access Road Alignment & be considered incomplete and will and back).Material submitted in
AIRPORT Security Perimeter Fencing — be deemed non-responsive by the excess of this limit will not be for-
TOLEDO(TDO) County. warded to Lewis County's selec-
Lewis County Public Works,the A copy of the airport's current SELECTION CRITERIA: tion committee for evaluation.
owner and operator of Ed Carlson capital improvement program 1.Key Personnel(20 Points): CONSULTANTS desir-
Memorial—South Lewis Countycan be requested from John Roe,
Airport System Manager,at(360) Key personnel, including their ing consideration shall elec-
-Toledo(TDO)airport in Lewis g64-4966,email�Tohn.Roe@lewis- professional qualifications and tronically submit a complete
County, Washington, is request- countywa.eov.Consultants should experience in conducting airport Statement of Qualifications pack-
ing Statements of Qualifications environmental studies,their role et for "Professional Airport
fromqualified firms to pro- familiar with Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA)and State anticipated for the proposed prof- Consultant Services-Toledo
vide Professional Airport aviation funding programs and ect, and their knowledge of FAA Airport- Lewis County,WA"
Consultant Services to complete requirements. regulations, policies, and pro- in OpenGov https://procurement.
an Environmental Assessment SELECTION OF THE cedures. Identify the proposed opengov.com/signup. Statement
(EA)at the Ed Carlson Memorial CONSULTANT Project Manager and key project of Qualifications must be submit-
- South Lewis County Airport team members and responsibili- ted electronically (in OpenGov)
—Toledo (TDO) to support proj- The selection process shall be in ties. Include any proposed sub- no later than 4:00 P.M. on
ects listed on the 5-year Capital accordance with FAA Change 1 to consultants to be engaged by the Monday, February 26, 2024.
Improvements Plan(CIP).A sepa- Advisory Circular(AC)150/5100- consultant.Provide a brief resume Any questions regarding this
rate RFQ will be issued later for 14E"Architectural,Engineering, for each person or sub-consultant, project should be directed to Mark
design and construction services and Planning Consultant Services outlining their credentials and Burch,Special Projects Manager
associated with those projects. for Airport Grant Projects." experience with similar projects. at 360-740-2650 or mark.burch@
SCOPE OF WORK No cost or fee schedules shall 2.Qualifications(10 Points): lewiscountywa.gov.
be submitted with your propos-
This work is to provide an al. Consultants will be selected Qualifications and experience of Additional information regard-
Environmental Assessment for sub-consultants to be engaged ing OpenGov Procurement and
the airport to support future based on their qualifications and by the consultant under consid- submittal requirements is avail-
design and construction improve- experience,with fees determined eration. able at www.lewiscountywa.gov.
ment projects identified on the through negotiations following 3. Experience of the Firm AMERICANS WITH
5-year Capital Improvement Plan selection. The qualifications of (25 Points):Please provide a list DISABILIITIES ACT (ADA)
for the Ed Carlson Memorial — consultants are evaluated, and of all current airport environmen- INFORMATION
South Lewis County Airport — the best qualified consultant tal projects,as well as any which Lewis County in accor-
Toledo (TDO)in southern Lewis is selected, subject to a mutual have been completed in the last dance with Section 504 of the
County near the city of Toledo, understanding of the scope of ser- three (3) years. List theproject Rehabilitation Act
vices and negotiation of a fair and (Section
Washington. reasonable fee. manager you assigned to each 504) and the Americans with
The Consultant selected will project. Identify the start dates Disabilities Act (ADA), commits
follow the guidance provid- It is the intent of Lewis County for all projects,and the completion to nondiscrimination on the basis
ed in FAA Advisory Circulars, to appoint a committee to review dates(where completed).Address of disability,in all of its programs
specifically AC 150/5070.1F, the Proposals submitted and rank the capability to perform all or and activities.This material can
Environmental Impacts:Policies the qualified firms. most aspects of the projects and be made available in an alter-
and Procedures and 5050.4B, Lewis County may choose to the ability to meet the schedules nate format by emailing Zelma
National Environmental Policy interview a shortlist of consul- or deadlines associated with the Hammer at Zelma.hammer@
Act (NEPA) and implementing tants before making the selection, projects. lewiscountvwa.gov or by calling
instruction for Airport Actions. The shortlisted consultants shall 4. Performance(10 Points): 360-740-1123.
Elements of content or inclusion notified at least 14 days prior to Capability to perform all or most TITLE VI STATEMENT
the interview date.
may be,at a minimum: of the project and recent experi- Lewis County, in accordance
*Proposed Action Lewis County reserves the ence in airport environmental with the provisions of Title VI of
•Purpose and Need right to reject all submissions to assessments. the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78
the RFQ,request clarification,or 5.Schedules or Deadline(15 Stat 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to
'Alternatives Analysis waive informalities/technicalities, §§
'Affected Environment if it is deemed in the best interest Points):Demonstrated ability tohereby 2000d-4) and the Regulations,
*Environmental Consequences of Lewis County. Lewis County meet project schedules and dead- notifies all bidders that it
lines. will affirmatively ensure that any
'Public Participation Plan assumes no responsibility for
'Relevant Discipline Reports 6. Project Understanding contract entered into pursuant to
(e.g.weland delineation,cultural (10 Points):Provide your general this advertisement,disadvantaged
understanding of the airport,proj- business enterprises and airport
concession disadvantaged busi-
ness enterprises will be afforded
full and fair opportunity to sub-
mit bids in response to this invi-
tation and will not be discriminat-
ed against on the grounds of race,
color,or national origin in consid-
eration for an award.
The top ranked firm will be
invited to negotiate a 1-year con-
tract with Lewis County with
the option to extend an addi-
tional year,up to two extensions.
A detailed scope of work will be
developed and agreed to by the
selected consultant and Lewis
County. This detailed scope of
work and associated fee will be
incorporated as part of the con-
Dates of publication in
the Seattle Daily Journal of
Commerce, February 16 and 22,
"KtA ra
3(46/11 AA/
a Conr»iaiorter.
Lewis ON trot,W.04.4".tr i
JUL 312024
425220 No.
Affidavit of Publication
The undersigned,on oath states that he is an authorized representative of The Daily Journal of
Commerce,a daily newspaper,which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and it is now
and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to,published in
the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in Seattle,King County,Washington,and it is now
and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of this
newspaper.The Daily Journal of Commerce was on the 12ih day of June, 1941,approved as a legal
newspaper by the Superior Court of King County.
The notice in the exact form annexed,was published in regular issues of The Daily Journal of
Commerce,which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period.The annexed
was published on
02/15/24 02/22/24
The amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum f$1,575.90.
STATE OF WASHINGTON S cribed nd sw before me on
OCTOBER 24,2027
r on.
residing in Seattle
Affidavit of Publication
State of Washington, King County
further refined during the scoping County may accept or reject any ilar nature as contained in the
Lewis County process. submittal or submittal agreement above Scope of Work.
Projects on the current 5-year without limitation.Nothing in the SUBMITTAL SUBMISSION
Airport Consultant CIP include: Submittal or in subsequent nego- Statement of Qualifications
Services •Partial Parallel Taxiway, tiations creates any vested rights must be limited to twenty (20)
Tie Down Apron, and Helicopter in any person. pages (8 1/2" x 11") or ten (10)
Submittal date:February 26 ParkingSubmittals that do not address
Design g pages front and back, excluding
LEWIS COUNTY NOTICE TO 'Partial Parallel Taxiway, all items listed in this section will the letter of introduction (maxi-
CONSULTANTS FOR: Tie Down Apron, and Helicopter be considered incomplete and will mum two pages or one page front
REQUEST FOR Parking Construction be deemed non-responsive by the and back).Material submitted in
A copyof the airport's current County. excess of this limit will not be for-
FOR capital improvement program Y
PROFESSIONAL AIRPORT can be requested from John Roe, 1.Key Personnel(20 Points): tion committee for evaluation.
CONSULTANT SERVICES Airport System Manager,at(360) Key personnel, including their Consultants desiring con-
864-4966,email Jobn,jtoeRlewis- professional qualifications and sideration shall electronically
NVIRONMEcountywa.gov.Consultants should experience in conducting airport submit a complete Statement
PACKWOOD ASSESSMENTENTT(55S) be familiar with Federal Aviation environmental studies,their role of Qualifications packet for
Administration (FAA) and anticipated for the proposed proj- "Professional Airport
Lewis County Public Works,the Washington State Department of ect,and their knowledge of FAA Consultant Services - Pack-
owner and operator of Packwood Transportation Aviation Division regulations, policies, and pro- wood Airport-Lewis County,
Airport (55S) in the unincorpo- funding programs and require- cedures. Identify the proposed WA" in OpenGov at https://
rated community of Packwood,in ments. Project Manager and key project procurement.opengov.com/signup.
east Lewis County, Washington, SELECTION OF THE team members and responsibili- Statement of Qualifications must
is requesting Statements of CONSULTANT ties. Include any proposed sub- be submitted electronically in
Qualifications from qualified The selection process shall be in consultants to be engaged by the OpenGov no later than 4:00
firms for Professional Airport accordance with FAA Change 1 to consultant.Provide a brief resume P.M.on Monday,February 26,
Consultant Services to complete Advisory Circular(AC)150/5100- for each person or sub-consultant, 2024.
an Environmental Assessment 14E"Architectural,Engineering, outlining their credentials and Any questions regarding this
(EA) at Packwood Airport (55S) and Planning Consultant Services experience with similar projects. project should be directed to Mark
for projects in the 5-year Capital for Airport Grant Projects." 2.Qualifications(10 Points): Burch,Special Projects Manager
Improvements Plan(CIP).A sepa- No cost or fee schedules shall Qualifications and experience of at 360-740-2650 or mark.burchR
rate RFQ will be issued later for be submitted with your propos- sub-consultants to be engaged lewiscountvwa.gov.
design and construction services. al. Consultants will be selected by the consultant under consid- Additional information regard-
SCOPE OF WORK based on their qualifications and eration. ing OpenGov Procurement and
This work is to provide an experience,with fees determined 3. Experience of the Firm submittal requirements is avail-
Environmental Assessment for the through negotiations following (25 Points):Please provide a list able at www.lewiscountywa.gov.
airport to support future improve- selection. The qualifications of of all current airport environmen- AMERICANS WITH
ments at the airport to support consultants are evaluated, and tal projects,as well as any which DISABILIITIES ACT (ADA)
future design and construction the best qualified consultant have been completed in the last INFORMATION
services for projects in the 5-year is selected, subject to a mutual three (3) years. List the project Lewis County in accor-
Capital Improvement Plan for understanding of the scope of ser- manager you assigned to each dance with Section 504 of the
the Packwood Airport in unin- vices and negotiation of a fair and project. Identify the start dates Rehabilitation Act (Section
corporated east Lewis County, reasonable fee. for all projects,and the completion 504) and the Americans with
Washington. It is the intent of Lewis County dates(where completed).Address Disabilities Act (ADA), commits
The Consultant will follow to appoint a committee to review the capability to perform all or to nondiscrimination based on
the guidance in FAA Advisory the Proposals submitted and rank most aspects of the projects and disability, in all of its programs
Circulars, specifically AC 150/ the qualified firms. the ability to meet the schedules and activities.This material can
5070.1F,Environmental Impacts: Lewis County may choose to or deadlines associated with the be made available in an alter-
Policies and Procedures and interview a shortlist of consul- projects. nate format by emailing Zelma
5050.4B,National Environmental .l
tants before making the selection. 4. Performance(10 Points): Hammer at Zelma.hammer
Policy Act (NEPA) and imple- The shortlisted consultants shall Capability to perform all or most lewiscountvwa.gov or by calling
menting instruction for Airport be notified at least 14 days prior to of the project and recent experi- 360-740-1123.
Actions. ence in airport environmental TITLE VI STATEMENT
the interview date.
Elements of content or inclusion Lewis County reserves the assessments. Lewis County, in accordance
may be,at a minimum: right to reject all submissions to 5.Schedules or Deadline(15 with the provisions of Title VI of
*Proposed Action the RFQ,request clarification,or Points):Demonstrated ability to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78
*Purpose and Need waive informalities/technicalities, meet project schedules and dead- Stet 252, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to
'Alternatives Analysis - if it is deemed in the best interest lines. 2000d-4) and the Regulations,
'Affected Environment of Lewis County. Lewis County 6. Project Understanding hereby notifies all bidders that it
-Environmental Consequences assumes no responsibility for (10 Points):Provide your general will affirmatively ensure that any
'Public Participation Plan costs incurred in responding to understanding of the airport,proj- contract entered into pursuant to
'Relevant Discipline Reports this RFQ. ect,and issues regarding the iden- this advertisement,disadvantaged
(e.g.wetland delineation,cultural SUBMITTAL FORMAT tified project.Identify any poten- business enterprises and airport
The Countyshall not be lia- tial challenges or special concerns concession disadvantaged busi-
and archaeological surveys, bio- that may be encountered. ness enterprises will be afforded
logical evaluation or assessment, ble to any person for any costs rp
noise,and air quality studies incurred therewith or in connec- 7. References (10 Points): full and fair opportunity to sub-
tion with costs incurred by any Provide the name and contact mit bids in response to this invi-
'Mitigation information for at least three(3) tation and will not be discriminat-
The approach, level of effort, Proposer in anticipation of County references familiar with the qual- ed against on the grounds of race,
and tasks and deliverables will be action approving or disapproving ity of work by your firm of a sim-
any proposed agreement. The
color,or national origin in consid-
eration for an award.
Utilization of Disadvantaged
Business Enterprise (DBE) is
strongly encouraged.
The top ranked firm will be
invited to negotiate a 1-year con-
tract with Lewis County with
the option to extend an addi-
tional year,up to two extensions.
A detailed scope of work will be
developed and agreed to by the
selected consultant and Lewis
County. This detailed scope of
work and associated fee will be
incorporated as part of the con-
Dates of publication in
the Seattle Daily Journal of
Commerce, February 15 and 22,